chapter 6:touring Mauritania 1

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....I wish i met some people earlier,some a little later,and some never at  all.....


                              Ignore the typos


The next day we landed we couldn't resists the urge to visit the coast Line of Mauritania which is truly a breathtaking place of a length of over 754 kilometers.its a place where the most typical sceneries of the Sahara bump against the Atlantic ocean in a sea/desert clash of Titans.I am happy i came with my camera with me so I start videotaping and snapping some pictures.

"Are you going to Vlog it"Amira ask

"Yes I am,I want to Vlog all this trip "

"Wow it will be good"

"Ya lilarh put me in the vlog I want to be in"Fatima said Amaya little sister

"Of course Fatima, everyone will be among it,it will be a memorable trip"I said happily, maybe this will be my last good Time with them so I have to keep this moment.

I,Amira,Amaya, Jamal,and Fatima enjoy our selves there which is worth with breathtaking and diverse creatures and its home to a spot where one of the largest amount of migratory birds pass through annually and I am happy we came at the right time. it's very astounding and stupendous. We spot marvel at the incredible species of birds.We snapped alot of pictures I even caught two beautiful birds I feel like taking them home,Nigeria of course.they are so beautiful.

Jamal drive us along the coast which is mostly desert,the coast is full of vast and beautiful deserted beaches.its easy to drive rugged automotive vehicle  So we drive an SUV (sport utility vehicle) and ride along to enjoy.

We explore Ouadâne which is essential to explore and visit the dust covered town of ouadâne.located deep in Mauritanian Sahara.its a town of haunting beauty and history that can be read in the surface of it's abundant buildings.its inhabited sparingly, however, exploring the winding paths and alleyways of this town will give you a taste Of life in the arid and harsh desert environment.

There are several points popular with swimmers and fishermen for you to enjoy and explore. I already feel like swimming the moment I feel the water on my feet.i still remembered when I was 11yrs old when I swim at the beach for the first time together with Amaya. It's one of the most memorable moments Of my life.i recieve the scold of my life at that time from my mother though it wasn't my first time swimming.i learn how to swim since I was five.

"Hey I want to swim and catch fish" I said to them

"You and water are you sure you're not a mermaid"said Amira I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes I happy she didn't see.

"We all knew I'm not I just want to feel the water I won't go deep"

"You will get cold and Jaddatie will scold me"said Jamal, Jaddatie send him with us so he can take care of us.

"Oh no she will not beside I won't get drench that much" I pout,

"Hhh how can you get into the water without getting drench just find something to say ya lilarh" Fatima said laughing

At the end they let me go together with Amaya,she also likes water we still bath in the rain.
I struggle to catch a fish which is very difficult but with help of fisherman I am able to catch one.i am so happy,it's very slippery in my hand.

"Hey I catch one" I squeal like I won a lottery

"Wow it's quite big"said Amira video videotaping everything and Jamal snap some pictures,he is very nice and caring I can say,A good brother everyone can ask for.
Amira was able to catch two fishes.

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