Chap 14: ten questions

Start from the beginning

"What is ..... " he trailed off when he noticed me
"Lilarh you're the one"

"Yes I bring you some muffins and coffee" I said keeping it on the table

"Thank you, like you know I need something to munch on "

"So delicious" he said and I smiled.

I Decided to leave when he stopped me.
" sit " he ordered and I did.

"How are you" he questioned

"I'm fine thanks for asking"

"You don't need to thank me"He said.
We sat in a complete silence he went back to his work,for the past weeks this is the only things we said to each. From good morning to good night, how are you,thank you and sorry, nothing else. I decided to speak up.

"I don't know anything about you" I said,I really want to know him everything about him

"I also" he said looking at me

"So can we spend some time together, maybe we can do ten questions.....I understand if you're busy" 

"No we can do,give me some minutes so I can send this email and then we move to the living room."

When he finished,we move to the living room.

"Shoot your question" he said.

"No you go ahead" I said.

"Ladies first"

How did you learn how to cook"  he chuckled, This question have been in my mind for long. How can a man knows how to cook so delicious Even more than a woman.

"I started learning it by myself, when I'm young I have the passion for cooking,so when I'm in new York I got my self enroll in culinary school"

"You learned to cook so you don't have to be a slave to recipes"  I said chortling.

"Yes I really loves homemade food so I cook my food my self" noted

"In regular day,what do you find your self thinking about the most" He ask

"Hereafter,day of resurrection" I replied,That is always my thoughts. I'm really afraid of that.

"It's really good for every Muslim to be thinking about his/her hereafter, it increases our Iman " He said.

"How do you learned how to speak Arabic" I asked,it take me by surprise to found him speaking Arabic language.

"I spent six years in Saudi Arabia, I did my highschool there" no wonder he speaks it fluently and he still have Thier accent but the British surmount it.

"In what settings are you, The happiest/Eager/Most comfortable"

"I think, most comfortable" I said. I don't think I'm the happiest since I haven't achieve all my dreams,Also not eager,what would I be eagering for? No.

Are you sure you are not eager. My conscience mocked me,
Okay maybe a little

"What major regret do you have so far in your life? Is it too late to change?" I ask him. I saw his demeanor change, maybe I have goon deeper.

" Trusting the wrong people with all my life
And it's too late to change,but I have changed for the future " he must have trust issues now

"How many relationship have you been before ours " he ask immedietely closing that chapter.


"You mean you haven't been in any kind of relationship,you don't have a boyfriend"

"Yeah I'm proud of being a member of NBSB (No boyfriend since birth)" He look at me bemusedly

"And you" I ask him, I know a guy like him must have tons of girl falling at his way.

"One" he reply shortly, his eyes hold so many emotions.
He must have love this girl too much. I felt some thing twist in my heart.
It's jealousy,No why would I jealous his ex girlfriend, she's his past.

"What break you apart"

"She cheated on me"
What girl in her right senses will cheated some one like Aryan.
Well, He is every girl's dream man, He have the looks,the wealth, the charm, the attitude,the Deen, the wisdom, the everything a woman can wish to have in her life partner.

We continue asking each other questions until when he received a call saying he was needed at the work. Who works on Sunday.
But I haven't mind since he gave his time for us to sort our difference,to get to know each other.
This is the first time we have proper conversation and I really enjoyed it.

I decided to call my friend it have been long since we charted,so I make a conference call.
Amira,zee, Tasneem,Amaya,yeah Amaya is still to return back to Mauritania,she said she enjoys living here,she love Naija.

"Hey babies" I said,I knew I offend them, I have to act lovingly

"Hidiot, you remember us today" Zee is the first one to bark

"I don't know why I received this call to start with" Amira said annoyingly

" I'm really sorry babies forgive you beloved sister"

"Beloved sister my foot, you better stop acting nice because we are not forgiving you". Zee said


"So because you got married that's why you forget about us" said Amaya

"Girls it's nothing like this I ......" I started got shut up by Tasneem

"Pshaw you will forget about us since you have started living with Aryan he must have conquer all your thoughts" Tasneem said

"That has nothing to do with Aryan or me getting married, it's just I'm trying to adjust to my new life" I said softly

"We are not falling for that emotional speech, you go pay oo" Zee said

"Okay, okay what is it"

"You must take us to shopping,Spa,that new eatery,and then ice cream" Amira answered

"Aahhhh you are going to make me go bankruptcy" I'm sure they must drain all my money.

"That's your own cup of tea" that was zee, that woman have no regards to spending money,I know she must have finished listed all what she wants to me buy, and don't expect it to be anything less.
I pity her husband though

At last, I have to agree with Thier condition,it's not like I can win over them.

"And you Amira get your self ready because I'm coming for you"
Yes I haven't forget about that guy who happens to be Aryan's best friend.


Short chapter right?
I have been sick for days and I really don't want to break my promise.
I drafted it since when I updated the last chapter but I haven't complete or edit it until now.

So I update.
How is it
Their first conversation
Yayyy or nayyy

Yau ba surutu



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