I approached the several branches and pressed my hand to it gently, then my forehead where I took a long deep breath. The bark was smooth and cold against my skin but it was a more comforting coolness that flowed through me deeply.

My only thoughts were of Robb and the short but sweet kiss we shared under this very tree, a time that felt like a lifetime ago, sometimes it even felt like a dream.

The face in the tree stared back at me and I was so terribly hoping it would come to life and tell me what to do and where to go but it just watched me intently.

I crumpled to the floor and removed my gloves so that I could feel the snow beneath my fingers and grab a handful in each, letting it melt slowly and not even feeling the pain.

If only I believed in the gods anymore, this place might actually be useful for me, but after everything thats happened, I cannot. The gods would never have let me see Hordan die in front of me or Marin, or keep me separated from my fiancé then allow him to die.

But something about the calmness and tranquility of the godswood was comforting. I remember the godswood of the Red Keep, it didn't have a weirwood tree and was not nearly as lovely.

When the time came to return to my room, I went quietly and contentedly. The sweet memories swirling pleasantly in my mind, trying their very best to submerge any of the dark ones.

My room was still warm from the fire, Nyla was tending to it when the guard left me and she greeted me with a smile. Her dark brown hair, which was short and wavy, was braided as much as it could be with little pieces flicking out and her face was bright red with perspiration, she must've been tending to fires around the castle all evening.

"Good evening, your grace" She tipped her head respectfully and went to scurry from the room but I stepped in her way.

"Just a moment, please" I exclaimed and she paused, looking down at me like a child and I squirmed a little but held my own, like most people, she towered over me, "You said something this morning that interested me"

"I did?" She chuckled lightly then caught herself, glancing around the room for anything to do, she resorted to folding the fur blanket at the foot of my bed despite it being folded already. Actually, she folded it twice with a little tut after the first, there was nothing wrong with it but she was clearly uncomfortable.

"Yes" I agreed, nodding my head almost violently, "Him, you said that he wouldn't like me wandering around. You meant Lord Bolton didn't you?"

"I do not recall" Nyla insisted, brushing the furs with her hands while avoiding eye contact with me as much as she possibly could.

"He killed the Stark boys didn't he?" I pressed on and it was her turn to squirm, "He captured Theon Greyjoy", she went rigid.

"I did not speak of Lord Bolton" She finally admitted and I frowned, thinking of who else she could be so terrified of.

"Then a guard? My guard?" I continued, then it struck me, him and his sadistic smile were etched into my brain from dinner, "Lord Boltons son?"

Nyla paused with her mouth gaping slightly, unsure of how to respond then nodded solemnly, "Master Ramsay"

Ramsay? I thought, why would she be so terrified of him.

"He is Lord Roose Boltons bastard" She lowered her voice to a whisper, "He rules this castle more so than his father"

"Why do you fear him so?" I questioned and she shuddered, running her hands up and down her arms as if the windows had just blown open.

"Things happen around him" She insisted in a low whisper, "He does things and says things that are cruel"

"Did he do that to Theon? Did he hurt the Stark boys?"

"do not call him that, you will be punished if you do" She hissed, "You will end up like his poor wife"

"His wife?" I stepped forward a bit while Nyla nodded gently.

"He took a wife not too long ago but keeps her locked away, we rarely see her and if anyone tries to help her, they get punished, severely. We all get punished for one wrong doing, you mustn't go to her or even look for her, you could get us all killed!"

"Not me" I sighed, looking down sadly at the floor, "If I return with anything more than a scratch, my little brother will send a fire and swords"

"You would hope you would be able to return after he's through with you" She added, I stared at her in pure fear and confusion.

"And the boys?" I asked for what felt like the millionth time.

"He didn't kill them no" She finally answered, "That was the Ironborns and a terrible thing it was to", she looked down sadly then took a long deep breath before realising she had simply said too much and clapped a hand to her mouth and scurried away, closing the door behind her but failing to lock it. I didn't forget that either. What a forgetful girl.

My mind was spinning and I couldn't stop it so I settled on the just brushed furs and placed a cold hand to my forehead.

This was all too much, I never should've closed myself off for so long, I had no idea what was happening in the kingdom and everyone was everywhere.

I thought of Ramsay Boltons wife and the fate she was left to when I would leave, I wondered how she ended up in such a horrific position. Nyla's words flashed through me, we could all be killed, whoever the girl was, she either meant a great deal to Ramsay or nothing at all and that confused me. The empty seat at the table came into focus again, it must've been for her but why would they bring her out for dinner usually but not when I am present? Who was she?

When I curled up in my bed for the second night, I wondered when they actually would send me on my way, back to my brother who would hopefully protect me as king, keep me safe from others.

He wouldn't marry me to a stranger, not like Joffrey would've, he might even keep me with him in Kings Landing, we were always close in our youth and I miss him and his little nose so very much.

That thought helped me fall into a deep and meaningful slumber.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now