Syren part 1

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean TV talk/video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

Today I was going to thank Felix for the gift but duty called. Animals somehow escaped the zoo and we had to round them back up, along with Rena Rouge! It was my first time meeting her and she was spunky and fun.

Ladybug and Rena needed some live bait for the panthers, so me and Chat decided to have some fun.

"Come on guys, you wouldn't eat two of your cousins, would ya!?"

Rena was jumping on top of buildings overhead, getting ready to cast her illusion.

Rena casted out some fake meat for the panthers.

"How about some tasty chops instead?"

"Definitely more meat on their bones than us!"

The panthers chased after the fake meats and eventually were trapped into a van, to which Ladybug closed.

Once the deed was done, everyone came out of they're hiding places and cheered for us.

We all waved to them from atop a building.

"Pound it! Uh...Hey! Where are you two going?"

"Rena's about to transform back!"

"So you're allowed to know her true identity but me and Frosty aren't?"

"Don't rope me into this, Kit-Cat."

"Because I have to get her miraculous back!"

"So what's my role then? The guy who's always left in the dark?"

Why is this bothering Chat so much?

"What else are you hiding from me?"

"We really gotta jam!"

"Okay, I'll talk to him about it."

(Chat and Frostine) "Him? Who's him?"

"Uh, when the time is right, Chat Noir. I promise."

Ladybug and Rena leapt away.

"I hate secrets."

Chat leapt away and I followed suit, we landed after awhile.

"Why are you making such a fuss about all this?"

*Sigh* "It's just so aggravating! Ladybug gets to know all the holders and I'm left with nothing except with the knowledge that she doesn't trust me!"

I put my hand on Chat's shoulder.

"Chat, I don't know the holders either and of course she trusts you. You were her first partner."

"Yeah, 'was'."

I frowned at Chat.

He's really let down.

"How do you deal with all this?"

"How do I deal with what?"

"With Ladybug! And all her secrets! If she doesn't trust me-"

Chat started to grab his ring.

"-then I want off this team!"

I grabbed Chat's hands so he couldn't pull off his ring.

"Chat no! Trust isn't just about telling secrets."

"Then what is it!"

Chat was so hurt and angry. I let go of his hands and hugged him.

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now