Copycat part 1

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*italics + " mean voicemail*
*Underline and italics mean whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*

(Y/n's Pov)

It had been a few days since I came to Paris and joined the heroes. I honestly still can not believe I became a hero and get to fight with Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Taani told me to never tell anyone that I was a superhero. I want to have trust with her so I keep quiet about my identity. Plus, I've seen and read about superheroes reveal their identities, and they only ever did it in dire situations.

So I plan on keeping a level head about all this. Another thing that's been good is that Chat Noir seems to trust me, he could use work on timing some of his puns but I got used to them in battle, I just had to hold back a laugh. Ladybug has also gotten used to me and is starting to trust me more.

Chat Noir later explained why she had trouble with trusting me because of, once again, that Lie-la girl. Apparently she got akumatized and tricked her and Chat Noir as well as pretending to be a superhero, so I kinda understand her problem with trusting me after that.

I also got along more with Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. I also got to know more on everyone else in the class....well almost.

Chloe was too snobby to really get along with in my opinion, though I felt bad for Sabrina, being basically a slave to Chloe.

Rose is just a sweet little ray of sunshine. Her and Adrien need protection and I will gladly protect them with my life. I'm pretty sure almost everyone else in class feels the same.

Juleka is more quiet but she's nice plus I like her style. I also found out that Rose and Juleka are a couple, and 100% approve of their relationship, plus they're adorable together.

Nathaniel reminds me of Juleka, they're a bit similar, being quiet and all. Although Nathaniel is more artistic, he draws most of the time, and i've actually seen some of his drawings and they're pretty damn good.

Kim is well, basically your stereotypical jock, all strength no brains but still tolerable. Unlike Max who's basically a genius. Together they're an unstoppable team, somewhat at least.

Ivan is kinda a scary big guy, but he's really just a shy, sweetheart. Mylene is smaller and is also a shy-ish sweetheart as well, and they're an adorable couple all the while.

Alix is kinda tom-boy and pretty small, all the while, she's a blast. Likes to make fun of Kim and she's sarcastic and pretty sassy. Kinda wish I knew how to rollerblade so I could go with her.

There's also Felix, Adrien's cousin. I have formally introduced myself to him and he's pretty nice but everyone else says he's nothing but trouble. Except for Adrien, I plan on asking him later about it though.

Then there's Lie-la, who I didn't even bother trying to get to know. One time she tried to talk with me, but it sounded like she lied with every word she spoke, so I lied right back saying my mother needed me back home.

If I'll be honest, Lie-la caused nothing but trouble to everyone. She couldn't give two shits about anyone, she just cared about herself. I bet she isn't even truthful to her own mother! I feel bad for Nathaniel though, he has to sit next to Lie-la.

Nino is a pretty cool dude, by his words. I find it rather funny he talks pretty much like a surfer. I also think Nino being a DJ suits him pretty damn well, plus he's got a good knowledge of music, I should listen to one of his tracks sometime.

Alya is pretty energetic, she actually started the Ladyblog, which I actually read. It's pretty amazing that she made it, and is still making more for it, I also like her sass.

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now