Riposte part 1

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean TV talk/video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

Today was tryouts for fencing class at my school, and I figured it would be beneficial to learn some fighting for being a superhero.

I had been reviewing what to do in fencing since the announcement came up.

Apparently, Adrien takes this class and Mari figured it would be a good way to get close to him by trying out.

So, me and Mari are trying out together.

"This gear is pretty cool. Don't ya think so Mari?"

"Yeah, if I could find a helmet that fits me! How'd you find one so easily?"

"I guess I have a good eye."

"Ugh, you're so lucky!"


"I've gotta have these try-outs, Y/n! D'Argencourt is the most prestigious fencing academy in all of Paris! I only have this one shot to show them what I've got to get onto the team!"

"Don't you mean hang with Adrien~"


"Oh please, you know I'm right, besides that's what you told me the moment I told you I wanted to try-out."


*Gasp* "Oh no! The return of the angry little beetle has come to consume me in hatred!"


I looked about the table and found one that looked to be Mari's size.


I put the helmet on Mari's head.

"Oh! You found one that fits me!"

"Heh, told you I have a good eye. Now come on, try-outs are starting!"

Me and Mari got everything we needed and met outside in the courtyard with everyone else.

Me and Mari stood next to one another.

"I am the fencing master, Mr. D'Argencourt. As I'm sure you're aware, we have only two open spots on the team this year. So, in order to select the best possible candidates, I will observe the beginners performing a number of attacks on the experienced students."

"Where's Adrien?"

"Get into positions."

With that, the beginners and experienced students got on long gray mats.

A student walked up to Mari.

"Seems like you're looking for someone?"

Oh gosh

"Yeah, I thought Adrien was here. You know, a boy this tall, blonde, nice, super handsome."

"Um, Mari."

The guy, who was Adrien, tipped his helmet up.

"Thanks for the compliments."

Mari looked at me, with a look that read, 'Did you know he was Adrien!'. All I did in response was give a look that said, 'I tried to tell you.'.

I paid attention to the experienced student infront of me.

"Get into position!"

I put on my helmet, got into starting position and held my sabre forward.

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now