Simon Says part 3

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*Italics + underline mean whispering/muttering*
*Italics + bold mean video/call speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

After a while, we made it to the mansion.

Me and Ladybug let go of Nino and Adrien when we landed in the courtyard.

Adrien opened one of the front doors to his house.

"Nathalie, where's my father? He's in danger."

Wow, this place is pretty big.

Nathalie stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"He knows already."

And there stood Mr, Agreste, looking pompous.

"Good evening, Ladybug, Frostine."

Gabriel started to walk to the bottom of the stairs.

"Father, you've gotta get outta here. The hypnotist, Simon Says is coming after you."

"What? And be dictated by a madman? Certainly not."

Great, stubborn old mule can't take a hint.

"But father, he's dangerous! Who knows what he'll do!?"

"Head up to you're room, now. You've had enough excitement for today. Nathalie, make sure they stay there."

Oh, you are lucky there are laws stopping me from kicking your ass, Gabriel.

Nathalie began taking Adrien and Nino up to his room.

"I have to apologize for my son. He's like his mother, way too overly dramatic."

"He wasn't wrong though, and he was only looking out for you, you are his flesh and blood."

Gabriel looked at me judgementally, and I looked at him the same way.

You think you know everything just because you're an adult and a father. But you don't always now best, you old windbag!

"But he's right, you know. Simon Says is a real threat, you're in a lot of danger."

Gabriel looked down at us, in confidence and stubbornness.

"What could possibly happen with you two here..."

He put a hand on Ladybugs shoulder, while I gave him a look that said 'Touch me, and I'll maim you'.

" protect me."

Gabriel then took us to his study, why? I don't know.

But the next moment, we were looking at pictures of Adrien he hung on a wall.

"Isn't he flawless?"

Ladybug started stammering, clearly distracted at staring at the pictures.

"What? Uh-what? Flaw what?"

Way to keep a low profile, LB. *Sigh*

"Adrien, my son. He's the image of perfection, don't you think?"

"Oh yes, he's perfect. I mean, um, I-I don't know him very well but he seems, uh..."

"I've never noticed your earrings before. They really are quite unique, may I?"

I grabbed his wrist before he could touch Ladybug's earrings.

"We're here to protect you, not to exchange jewelery, Mr. Agreste."

Ladybug's yo-yo beeped, signalling Chat Noir must of finally called her.

I released my grip on Mr. Agreste, but kept a stern eye on him.

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin