The Pharaoh

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(This chapter is gonna take place after Felix arrives to Paris, so the Felix episode already happened...bare with me on this, okay?😅)
*underline + italics mean whispering/muttering*
*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

It was a bit later in the evening when I transformed to help Ladybug with a haywire helicopter.

Ladybug was having bit of trouble holding on by her yo-yo while I was trying to hold on to the tail end of the helicopter.

Eventually we got the helicopter grounded but Ladybug looked really freaked out, as to what? At the time I didn't really know, until I got back home.

"Don't blink now, we are live from Paris!"

"Yo, peeps, Alya here bringing you the one and only Ladyblog."

*Gasps* "What is that?"

*Ladybug squealing* "Hold on, Ladybug!"

"Ladybug AND Frostine in action! Hang on, cause we're going for a ride!"

"Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a 10th-grade history book. And I should know, cause i've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high-school student, in real life!? Woah!"

"Wow, I wonder what Ladybug was doing with a 10th-grade history book, Taani."

"I don't know, but I do know something about history you might like!"


"Uh huh!"

Taani then typed in the Lourves' new exhibit.

"Oh, it's on Egypt! I actually rather like Egyptian stuff, how'd you know Taani?"

"I came across an Egyptian necklace you have, and thought you might want to see!"

"Aw, well thank you Taani. I am quite fond of Egyptian stuff. I personally have always wanted to try the old Egyptian style clothing like Cleopatra wore."(no joke, I've always wanted to)

Just then, I got a call from Marinette.

"Hey Mari, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Alya to see the new Egyptian exhibit at the Lourve. I remembered you talking about Egypt once and thought you'd uh wanna come with?"

"Oh sure! I'd love to, meet you guys on the bus."

"Alright, see you there."

I ended the call.

"See! Now you can go!"

"Yay! Oh, I'll wear my necklace too!"

(The necklace has the ankh symbol with an amethyst gem in the middle, Wattpad wouldn't let me put a picture up, so sorry😔)

"Alright, hide in my bag Taani."

I met up with Alya and Mari on the bus. When we got off, Alya was raving about what happened on her blog.

"Can you believe it? All I gotta do is find out who this history book belongs to and bam! I figure out Ladybug's secret identity, i'm so on this one!"

"You really think you can figure out who Ladybug is from a textbook that every high-school student owns?"

"Yep, cause our school is the only school that uses that book, ha! So all I gotta do is find out which girl in 10th-grade lost her book last week. There are 42 girls not counting me and Y/n."

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now