Riposte part 3

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean TV talk/video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

Riposte continued to attack Ladybug down the stairs.

"Chat, use your Cataclysm! We've gotta help Ladybug!"

"On it! Cataclysm!"

Chat summoned his power and wiped his hand on the bars.

I kicked them down and helped Chat walk.

We made it the Egyptian exhibit with Riposte behind the security bars.

"They're gone!"

"Uh, who?"

"Riposte is trying to get revenge on Adrien Agreste and Y/n L/n. I hid them inside the sarcophagus!"

"Maybe they were feeling claw-strophobic?"

Ladybug gave a look that said, 'Shit, I fucked up'.

"It's alright, at least we know they didn't get sliced in half."

*Sigh* "True."

"Let's look for them together, Ladybug, and finish this match!"

Riposte swung in the direction of the bars and they broke, one almost hitting Ladybug.

"Lucky Charm!"

Ladybug summoned her Lucky Charm and a radiator fell.

"A radiator!"

"Great! That should really heat things up!"

"Not bad for a pun."

"Oh come on."

Ladybug intently stared at Riposte.

"The akuma has to be in her sword!"

"Then why don't we get to the point?"

We all charged at Riposte and Ladybug used the radiator to protect herself.

Chat tried to hit her but Riposte blocked.

"She's too quick!"

Me and Chat covered Ladybug so she could figure out what to do.

"I need your belt, Chat Noir. And Frostine, I need you to use your power and hold Riposte from behind."

"Get ready!"


I stealthily ran behind Riposte and held her with my arms around her left arm and her middle while Chat and Ladybug got Riposte's sword stuck in the radiator.

"What? What's going on!?"

(All supers) "Prets? Allez!"

Chat and Ladybug snapped the sword in two and I let go of Riposte.

The force from the break made Riposte fly backwards.


Ladybug de-akumatized the butterfly and everything reverted back.

"What happened?"

"Pound it!"

"Gotta go. Have a vet's appointment to get to. Take care of the young lady, will ya?"

"Me too, sorry LB."

"It's alright, I got it."

I hid behind a cat statue in the front of the Egyptian exhibit.

My Light~ Book 1 part 1 *Felix Graham de Vanily x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now