14. "Date" For Friends

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Daniel's pov...

These past few days with Keith have been excruciatingly incomparable ever since I didn't give him an answer that day. Part of me wants to just skip todays hangout and stay cuddled up in my warm bed all day. Just me, my thoughts, and my bed. But the other part knows we can't ignore each other forever, nor can I keep his hopes up for longer than I already have. Well...it's not that we've been completely distant with each other, but the amount of times we see each other at school have definitely lessened, and it's not even because of him. It's because i'm so stupid and can't take responsibility for my own actions and words. I hope Keith at least doesn't think i'm uninterested, it'd be impressing if he hasn't figured out that i'm avoiding him by now.

I haven't really planned what i'm going to do with him today, I don't want to stay in my house all day because I know he's going to be with me for awhile, and it would get boring being in the house the whole day. I hear a knock at my door that had to have come from Liam, considering he's the only one at home right now. Every one else has work. I hop off my bed, opening the door right as Liam was about to knock again.

"Dan, me and Thomas are going on a date at the park so will you be fine at home by yourself? Do you need any money for food?" Liam asks and I gasp when I had just thought of the perfect place for me and Keith to go today.

"Wait didn't you say Thomas couldn't come home with you this week?" I questions, with a light snicker coming from Liam. "You sent me a whole paragraph about how miserable you were going to be without him." I smiled at my words when thinking back to Liam's text. Speaking of Liam, he was starting to laugh more than he should've, i'm not even that funny, yet people always take their laughing to the extreme level when I say something.

"He wasn't suppose to, but tomorrow's family game night and he really wanted to go so he asked someone else in his group to take over his part of the project for four hundred dollars and they accepted it. It's just temporary so it's a good deal." Liam explained and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. There's nothing that special about family game night to the point where he had to skip his work. It's not that serious.

"You guys are so annoying. How can two people be so in love that they give up four hundred dollars for two days?" I said.

"His dads a lawyer, his family's good on money I assure you." Liam said, sighing afterwards.

"Whatever, I need you to drive me and Keith to the park with you guys. I want to take him on a picnic and it's a nice day to spend outside." I demand, feeling slightly bad for the way I was talking to my brother right now.

"No. You're sixteen you should be learning to drive by now."

"That's one thing mom won't allow me to do. I've already begged enough." I said.

"Why? You're walking perfectly fine now, it's been half a year since you started practicing." Liam questioned and I rolled my eyes when recalling my moms annoying words. "She says 'you can never be too sure' as if stepping on some pedals is going to injure my legs. I have a bus pass but it's pretty embarrassing taking Keith with me."

"If being in a cramped car is better for you then so be it. Hurry up, me and Thomas were about to leave." Liam said, then closed the door. Those two might as well be conjoined since they've never gone anywhere without the other going with them. Even if Thomas is just going to the bank, Liam has to go with him, it's ridiculous!

All I had to do now is wait for Keith to get here, I was already fully dressed and ready. Okay, maybe I tried a little too hard on my outfit, but just because I don't want to date him yet doesn't mean I don't want to impress him. It's actually an outfit people would wear during their daily lives, but I mostly wear hoodies and jeans so it's different for me.

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