8. Desperate To Let You Know

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(Daniel's school ends at 2:55 and his work starts at 3:45 and closes at 5:30, in case anyone gets confused on how long the daycare stays open for.)

Daniel pov...


First, I receive an unpredictable kiss from Keith, and now, this creepy pervert is making out with me! Does the universe want me to be gay? What's up with all the interaction from boys, this was not how I was expecting my school life to go. The guy breaks away for the second time, with a string of saliva following him as he backs away. Wiping my mouth, I stare at the guy with every bad and dark thought rushing through my head with the speed of a meteor falling down to earth. He lets go of my waist, instead grabbing both of my hands and giving them a light squeeze. His face seems so disappointing and infuriating, probably because he knows I won't be able to respond to his feelings the way he wishes for me to. I feel bad, but it's not my fault i'm not into him, or guys in general. But he also looks determined to get everything out, so I guess it's better that he does this rather than bothering me again.

I mentally groan when my cheeks still feel like they're on fire, and as I was about to run away, the guy stopped me with a hug. What is wrong with him? Why won't he say what he wants and leave me alone?

"I like you so much. I'm sorry, I kissed you because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it ever again. J-just..forget this ever happened." The guy rushes to say, with me barely being able to comprehend and hear his incoherent words. He caresses my cheek, and usually I would find something like this sweet, but I was pretty upset with myself for letting something like this happen twice in one day. The guy grabs his bag and sprints away, not looking back at me once. Well, that's going to be awkward seeing him at school.

"Wait! What's your name, we can be friends!" I yell, but he was too far away to hear me. Im trying to get as much friends as I can collect, it's not a goal to be popular, that was just a lost yearning, but i'm willing to be friends with whoever talks to me. I would say i'd be weird to be friends with a person I made out with, but I did the same with Keith and we're fine, so it wouldn't be impossible. Although, me and Keith didn't make out. I'm just now getting into my moms car, and I was planning to cross-examine her about what I should do if two guys kiss me, but she was on the phone with someone, most likely a client from work. Mom looks at me with a face as if saying 'i'll scold you later on.' and I just respond by shrugging my shoulder with a face of sorrow, though I didn't mean it. I already figured out that there was no way I was going to get out of this, at least I know it won't be too bad, my mom doesn't get mad at me often. She treats me like her never ending baby that she will never let go of. I'm grateful, because I hate being yelled at.

Honestly, i'm not in the mood to go to work right now, I kinda just wanted to go home, stay in my comfy bed all cuddly and warm, watching a movie with Biscuit. I guess it's just not one of those evenings where I feel like dealing with noisy kids, but I did this to myself, so I have to face the consequences. I could use the excuse that I wasn't feeling well from earlier when I passed out, my mom wouldn't even hesitate to bring me home then, but then i'd have to live with the guilt knowing I lied to my mom, and skipped work to stay in bed for the rest of the day.

Now you may be wondering how I go to work and manage to balance out some time for school work, or maybe you weren't but who cares! Anyways, even if I was still homeschooled and given homework, i've always finished my homework during the night, because it's what i've always preferred. It's more stressful feeling as if you're going to have to stay up the whole night to finish, but it's stress i'm willing to put up with.

Mom ended up dropping me off at work, then left immediately without saying one word to me. What could her client possibly need that took so long? I envy my mom, she's so hard working and still able to master everything required by the end of the day.

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