11. Disturbing Reminiscence

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Just to go ahead and clear up any confusion since Keith has four parents, all throughout this chapter when I say "parents," I am referring to his adoptive parents, not his biological. This makes it easier for everyone!

Keith's pov...

"He's just so fucking perfect." I said to Marvin whose had to listen to my thirty minute ramble about how perfect Danny is. It's been two days since I confessed to him, we haven't brought it up much because i've been respecting my boundaries and I don't want to pressure him, or make him feel as if he has to tell me an answer. So to keep up the positivity, i've been talking about it to Marvin, trying to convince myself that he'll say yes by reminiscing all the moments we've shared together already.

I will admit, the first interaction I had with Danny, I was a turn away from hating him, but when I saw how cute he was, I found myself getting attached to him and wanting to stay by his side, which is the reason why those accidents kept happening. Because I was purposely and voluntarily always near him. To this day I still don't know if it was love at first sight, I knew I enjoyed his presence but i'm not sure if it was because I liked him. It doesn't seem like it, but i'm soft for him and I just couldn't approach him on my own, i'm glad he wanted to be my friend because we most likely would've still been strangers if not for that one bus ride that I happened to be on.

My parents usually drop me off at school, but they had to go out of town for an overnight trip and couldn't take me to school, so they had the bus come pick me up.

"Goddamnit Keith will you give me a break? I thought we were suppose to be talking about the pass you fucked up last Thursday that caused us the game, not your endless love for Danny." Marvin said, clearly annoyed with my boasting. I knew he got annoyed when I was only fifteen minutes in, but what are best friends for if you don't annoy them every once in awhile? He should be glad i'm even telling this to him, I know how bad he is at lying, so it may not be long before my secret is revealed to the whole school.

"That was not my fault, don't you dare blame me. Nobody was open for over three seconds, do you understand how fast those guys were? You guys should've been where you're suppose to be, not slacking off." I said defensively with a frown on my face.

"Then why didn't you just do a lay up? You act as if you had to pass the ball." Marvin fights back saying, not giving up just yet.

"There were like three guys on my ass, god I was so happy that we never have practice on Fridays, we would've been running until our legs dislocated." I let out, with a sigh freeing itself as well.

"Like we won't have to do that today? I'm contemplating skipping with an excuse." Marvin said, sincerity in his voice as he spoke.

"Coach wouldn't let you even if it was the end of the world and we had to take cover, he'd make sure to squeeze in one last practice." I said truly. Two years ago, my parents called the office, letting them know my Grandpa had a heart attack, and they were on their way to pick me up, but coach said if I walked out the doors then i'd be off the team for life. And like the disguised goody two shoes and people pleasers that they are, my parents left me in town to worry about my Grandpa without even calling me to let me know if he was okay. He ended up dying four weeks later and I avoided them for the rest of the year for not letting me see him in his last few weeks of living.

"Speaking of basketball, my parents were such asses to Danny on the getaway. They kept glaring at him like they were undercover and ready to strike at any given moment." I explained to Marvin who let out a sigh the second Danny's name left my mouth, causing me to smile at his agitation. He proceeds to grab my shoulders and shake them slightly, his expression basically hinting that i'm too senseless.

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