9. True Intentions? Don't Know.

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Daniel's pov...

As I was walking to my locker to put my books away -like usual- I slipped on a detached book cover, landing on my butt as I hit the hard tile flooring.

I feel warm hands slide beneath my armpits, hoisting me off of the floor while keeping their compressed hand around my upper arms for an enduringly long amount of time, before they speak, and I instantly recognized the voice of the person who was apparently looking for me anyways.

"How many times am I going to have to get you back on your feet, clumsy ass." Keith speaks with a feeble chuckle. I blush, bending over to pick up the book cover to prevent anyone else from making the same mistake as I did, although they probably won't since i've always been uncoordinated. My hospital records will confirm and show proof of that statement. A cheeky grin gratifies Keith's face, as he finally lets go of my arm and accompanies me to my locker. When arriving, I put away my old set of books, and take out the new ones, before shutting my locker and turning to face Keith with a patient expression.

"What?" he asks, taking my books out of my hands just before I start complaining and hitting on his chest, semi-playfully.

"I can carry my own books.." I mumble, and Keith lowers his head to where it was right in front of my mouth, and I scoff, pushing his head away, but not before snatching my books back. "Are you trying to insinuate that i'm too short for you to hear?" I ask, faking my face of misery and causing Keith to burst into a fit of laughter, clenching onto his stomach as his ears turns darker and darker with every wheeze he let's out. I didn't find what I said very funny, but Keith must've thought otherwise.

With his smile remaining, Keith pats my head while reassuring me that I wasn't that short, and that there are people in the world that are 4'11 at the age of thirty, and how most men are short anyways. He did that the whole way to my next class, we really did everything but talk about what Keith originally needed me for, and I was too distracted myself to remind him. Oh well, we've got all day to talk about it, besides, if it's something mood killing, then i'd prefer not to hear it right now anyways, not while my happy mood was still long-living.


It was now the worst time of day. PE, the one class that I hated. Most of the time I sit on the bleachers because my legs end up giving out, and i'm no longer able to participate. I don't see this as a bad thing though, with all the running and energy this class takes up, hell, I got lucky. My goal is to try and fit some time in to talk with that guy, but considering we're not even friends, it's going to be difficult, mostly because i'm too nervous. I haven't talked to very many people anyways, but when I do, i'm never the one to initiate the conversation if it's not with one of my friends or family members.

After changing into my gym clothes, I go to the bleachers to put on my tennis shoes, before looking around for the guy, easily finding him this time. I sigh, rubbing my hand on the fabric grey shirt before making my way over to the guy, purposely walking slow to try and think of any and everything I can say to him.

During me and Keith's conversation, he asked me if I could meet him after school and I told him yes, so i'm not sure whether i'll be able to fit in some time for the guy, which is the reason i'm going through all this struggle to talk to this guy currently. Making it over to the guy, I stop right behind him, his back faced towards me as my cheeks were flushed and my breath hitched. His hands were crossed over his chest, and he had a neutral expression on his face. He was standing over here all by himself, looking lonely just like me a few weeks ago. I know he has friends..or a friend, i've seen him talking to this girl the couple of times he actually stood out to me, but considering this is a boys PE class, she's not here to keep him company.

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