I wondered what it would be like if I got closer to him. I knew of a few people who were intimate with their hybrids, it was more of a relationship rather than an ownership. Although I let the word 'owner' slip a few times, I couldn't really think of myself that way.

Legally, I technically did own them, the way someone would own a pet fish. But deep down in my heart it didn't feel that way. I mostly used that word because I didn't really know what other word to use.

Caregiver? Sounded too clinical.

Adopter? That's just weird.

Master? Absolutely not.

Was it weird to call them my family? They hadn't even been with me for two weeks, but that's what they felt like. Family.

My mind wandered and I caught myself thinking about relationships. Relationships with my hybrids. It was kind of frowned upon, and I could understand why.

The first reason was something I did not agree with - people thought hybrids were basically animals, and a relationship with a hybrid was, to them, beastiality.

Although hybrids could change into their animal form, they did not become wild beasts. There was no denying that they were more human than animal.

The second reason was a point that I could understand - hybrids were often used. Used in sexual ways because they were 'exotic'. It was far too easy for someone to go in and adopt a hybrid, groom them, and use them however they please. People could very quickly jump to the wrong conclusion if they knew you were intimate with your hybrid.

I couldn't do it though. As much as I fantasised and tried to make my thoughts logical, I don't think I could be intimate with any of my hybrids without feeling like I was taking advantage of them, using them, abusing them. They were living with me to be safe, to have a home, I was not going to ruin that.

These thoughts were quickly making me tired and I decided to banish them as I got off at my stop. I walked towards my office building, slowly approaching Jin's spot. My mood brightened a little, before I realised it was empty.

He wasn't there.

He was already gone.

My steps faltered a little bit and I stopped on the side of the footpath. I simply stared at the empty space, trying to figure out why it was upsetting me so much.

You knew this was happening, he told you he was moving. Why are you so shocked?

I couldn't get myself to move, I just stood there waiting for Jin to appear.

After a minute, I finally willed myself to go on, I couldn't stand here and wait forever, he was gone and I knew it.

He promised he would come around and visit... it'll be fine.

Walking into my office, I was immediately bombarded with too many voices and sounds and lights, all I wanted was Jin's soft voice. I robotically put my bag at my desk and sat down, turning on my computer and fiddling with the keyboard.

My thoughts went rampant.

What if I stopped him from leaving?

He said he ran into issues, what if I just offered to help him, instead of letting him run away?

What if I offered him to stay at my place while he sorted things out? What if his hybrid and my hybrids got along really well, and we all became a big happy family?

What if he's in trouble right now, and I never see him again? I could have just offered to let him sleep over one night and now he might be dead in a ditch!

"I hope you're excited for dinner tonight! I've been dreaming about all the dishes I want to order!"

I blinked a few times and shook my head, trying to source the voice. Turning my head I realised it was Lucas.

"I am excited, I'll make sure to have a light lunch so that you can buy me more food" I joked.

He laughed, and promised to meet me back at my desk after work to drive us to the restaurant.

I felt kind of bad that I hadn't had any time to think about him. With everything else that's going on, I have barely thought about me and Lucas. This was our second not-date and, sure, I like the guy, he was nice, but I hadn't really thought about him as my boyfriend or anything. I hadn't really imagined us together much at all to be honest.

With this thought, I decided that I was going to try. I would put in some effort tonight and give it a solid chance. He was a nice guy, we got along pretty well, there was no reason why this couldn't work out.

I forgot to tell the boys I'm going out!

Pulling my phone out as quickly as possible, I sent a text to let them know I wouldn't be home for dinner.

Me: Hey guys, I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you, I'm going out for dinner after work, so I'll be home a little later <3

Guilt was clawing at my heart, I felt like I barely got any time with them, and one of our precious evenings together was now gone.

YoonHobJim: :(

My heart broke, and I was debating calling them before another text came through.

YoonHobJim: we expect cake

I laughed out loud, feeling a little less guilty now. I would have to pick them up a really delicious cake afterwards, maybe Lucas knew somewhere good.

"Did you still wanna get lunch today, or are you saving stomach space for your free meal?" Lisa piped up next to me.

"I'm still down for lunch, it's not like I brought anything with me anyway" I laughed.

"Good, I want sushi" she ended the conversation with that and went back to work.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that I had sushi yesterday, with Jin. And now Jin was gone. Would sushi forever make me sad now? Would it always just remind me of my friend who I have no clue if they're safe or not?

My computer screen provided a decent distraction from my negative thoughts, and I decided to focus on my work.

"I haven't been to this place in so long, I love the sushi here!" Lisa bounced excitedly in her chair as she read the menu.

I gave her a weak smile, only able to think about how Jin was sitting across from me just yesterday.

"Yeah, it is good, but I don't wanna eat too much and spoil my appetite!" I explained, as I looked through the smaller plates.

"Hey remember what I told you, be careful with Lucas ok?" Lisa sounded more serious now. "I'm not saying he's going to murder you or anything, but just make sure you don't do anything with him yet"

Humming in response, I wondered what she was so worried about. I knew he gave her 'bad vibes' but I couldn't really see why. He had never done anything shifty with me, he was always pleasant, maybe she had a bad experience with him in the past?

I tried not to think about it too much as we ate our lunch. I just wanted to enjoy the little things in life right now. I was getting too caught up in my thoughts and I needed to live in the moment.

Enjoy every moment.

A/N: My new method has been abandoned already. I haven't written a new chapter yet, but I will today. But I post this one now because I will be busy in le evening. 

Next chapter is more interesting I promise <3

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