Hoseok: I-I...

Yoongi: If any stranger did that to my bunny, then I will just killed him right there. I never thought it will be any of my brothers! Now do I need to protect him from his own brothers?

Hoseok broke into tears, the words was true and it was hurting him from the bottom!

Jimin: How could you hyung? He just wanted to help you, he loves you trusted you! And you did what? If he had seen him that time...he was too broken and scared! How could you hurt him when he was not even in fault!?

Hoseok: J-Jimin-ie I'm...

Namjoon: Hyung I know Ryun's words hurts you, those are really mean and rude! I know everything, we all can feel your emotions. But, we already talked about it, didn't we? You also promised us that you will never let out side control you...Then why hyung?

Jin: You could've talked with us, we are always here to help you! But no! You choose to let your mind tangled up...That's not expected from a person like you, Hoseok. It's disappointing.'

Jimin: Even we tried to talk with you...Jin hyung, Joon hyung, me and Kookie-everyone tried to help you! But, you decided to stay quiet and that made everything worse! You even disrespected Yoongi hyung which you never did before! Aren't you feeling like a shit now, hyung?

Hoseok covered his crying face on his hand palms, 'I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Please...' he wanna kill himself now. The words are stabbing him!

Yoongi: That doesn't fix anything, does it?

Hoseok shook his head, 'No! I know that don't...But I'll do everything to fix it hyung! I just wanna meet him-'


Everyone shot their head to the speaker who shouted just now. It was Taehyung, he was silent all the time...but right now his face his full of tears and eyes are showing anger and hurt! Hoseok was taken aback!

Jimin held his hand, 'Tae?'

Taehyung didn't hear him, he looked straight to Hoseok, 'You won't meet him. You have no right to meet him. You made my cheerful bunny almost dead! Do you even have the idea if I didn't stop you in that time, then what will happen? YOU ALMOST MURDERED HIM, KIM HOSEOK!'

Namjoon: Taehyung, stop it!

Tae: NO! He need to know, what he did! He took a step forward and faced the poor boy, 'Because of you, he got panic attacks...he is afraid to stay alone now! He can't erase the memories you gave him! his hand was FREAKING BLEEDING WHEN HE WAS SAVED FROM YOU!! He almost ended up thinking we hate him! He is traumatize....AND ALL THANKS TO YOU!!

Hoseok was bewildered, he didn't know that he did so many things! Oh god! How could he?!

Hoseok took a step front and held Taehyung's hand, 'T-tae! I know I messed up badly. But, I promise I will make everything right...please give me one chance?'

Taehyung cried harder, 'You don't know the feeling hyung! I know, I have gone though this! That time I was in fault...But, this time he did no wrong! Punishing is ok...I punish him too! But what is that?! How could you do that hyung? HOW!?'

He held Hoseok's collar and jerked him while crying so hard and Hoseok let him do whatever he wants. He was guilty...his heart was broken totally...he just wanted to kill himself!

Finally Taehyung controlled himself and parted away from him. he wiped his tears and stood up, 'You don't know how badly you messed up! Now make it right as soon as possible...I lost so much, not anything else is needed for me anymore.' He said coldly and stormed out of the house, Jimin ran behind him...

Jin stood up, 'Hoseok! You have to fix what you have broken. You started it and now you need to finish it. I want me makhne back, Hoseok. You hear it?' he said in most stern voice of his and Hoseok nodded looking down.

Yoongi: Don't try to talk with me until you fix it! I want my bunny just like before.' With that Yoongi and Jin left the room. Namjoon sighed and held the crying boy on the ground.

Hoseok turned and buried his face on Namjoon's chest, crying harder, 'I-I'm sorry....I didn't w-wanted any of t-that...P-please trust m-me, Joon...'

Namjoon patted his back, 'I do hyung...I do...calm down please!'

Hoseok slowly looked at his younger with tearful eyes, 'Namjoon...H-he hate me, n-now?'

Namjoon gasped, 'WHAT! NO! He could never...he is just in sort of trauma...he will be alright if you try to make everything ok...he is still your baby bunny, hyung. Trust me? He can never hate his brother no matter what they do...don't think like that. Be strong or else you can't do anything....Cause I know one thing, it's gonna be harder than you think.' He said sternly.

Hoseok wiped his tears and took a deep breath...He need to be strong. He needs to fix everything and bring back the bunny once again and he will...

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