Loud Music Prank *On Him* (Invincible era)

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Tonight, I was going to prank Michael by playing loud music in his bedroom while he was sleeping.

It was a good time to do this particular prank, because Prince, Paris, and Blanket were at Katherine's house for a sleepover.

After setting up my speaker and hiding it somewhere in our bedroom, I connected my speaker to my phone and then opened the YouTube app, and then turned up the volume.

Once Michael was ready for bed, I waited for him to fall asleep on his own.

Then, I went to go to hide in the bathroom and start the prank.

The first song I played was this:

Michael woke up and then he heard the music coming from somewhere.

He sat up in bed and looked around.

"Heyyy! Who's got their music turned up"?!

He called out over the loud noises.

I was hiding in the bathtub while giggling out loud to myself.

After a moment or two, I turned off the song.

Michael let out a sigh and then he laid his head back down on the pillow and went back to sleep.

The next song was this:

Michael woke up again and he couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God. Why is someone playing their music so loudly"?

I could hear Michael hollering at whoever was playing the loud music,

"I'm trying to sleep"!

The king of pop was fed up with it.

Then, after a few more minutes, the music stopped.

After that, I played a different song.

It was this one:

Michael was getting mad now

"Okay, that's it"!

He got up out of bed and went to go find Bill.

But on his way there, the singer started to hear something that was in the bathroom.

I was unaware that Michael was close by.

Michael opened the bathroom door and saw me sitting in the bathtub with my phone.


He called out to me.

"Hey Applehead. Come to join the party"?

I grinned mischievously.

"No I am not. Why are you playing loud music in the middle of the night"?

Michael gave me a not-so-amused.

"I was just pranking you, silly. No need to get your moonwalks in a bunch".

I giggled, and then pretended to turn the music off.

Michael didn't want to be up at this hour, so after he left me alone and went back to bed, I proceeded to prank him again.

The next song was this:

I was giggling to myself as I heard Michael talking to himself.

"Oh my God. I thought I told F/n to turn the music off".

Michael put the pillow over his head in annoyance.

I then stopped the song after a few minutes, and proceeded to play the next one:

Michael was getting REALLY mad now and he went straight to the bathroom to get me stop and take my phone away.

But when he got there, I wasn't where I was before.

"F/n! I'm not playin'! I want it to stop and I want it to stop right now"!

Suddenly, he heard the bedroom door lock and I laughed as Michael ran to go confront me.

"Open this door"!

He demanded.

I pretended that I didn't hear him, and then Michael went to go find another way to get into his bedroom.

Michael ran outside and then climbed up onto a window and opened it.

When he finally got into his bedroom, everything was quiet and at the rest.

The loud music had stopped and there was a speaker on the bed.

And I was fast asleep on his side of the bed.

Michael let out a sigh and then lifted my body up and moved me to the opposite side.

Then, he crawled back underneath the covers and went back to sleep.

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