Fake Eviction Prank *On Him* (This Is It era)

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After Michael had pranked me with some Bean Boozled jellybeans, it was time for me to get him back.

This time, I was going to take it up a notch.

I was going to prank Michael by telling him that we were being evicted from our home.

Since Michael was out getting some ice cream with his kids, it would be the perfect time for me to get my prank ready.

After I created a fake eviction notice on Microsoft Word, I printed it out and then stuck it in an envelope.

Then, I took out a pen and wrote our address and Michael's first and last name on the envelope, and then borrowed one of his stamps from the singer's office.

Once I had everything ready, I saw the limo pulling up into the driveway.

When Michael and his kids came inside, he saw that I was holding something in my hand while sitting on the couch.

"Is that the mail"?

He asked me, and I nodded and gave it to him.

Michael took the envelope to his office so he could read it.

After he put on his reading glasses, he began to read what it said on the paper.

"What...? We're being..."?

Michael couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Jackson, is everything okay in here"?

Bill Whitfield, his bodyguard asked.

"Bill, come here and look what I've got".

Michael gave the paper to Bill, and when his bodyguard read it, he was just as surprised.

"What the hell is this"?

Bill said, as he looked at the paper a few more times.

"It says that we're being evicted due to multiple complaints of music being played too loudly and—


I hollered, running in out of nowhere, causing Michael to almost fall out of his seat.

"What did you just say, F/n"?

Bill asked me.

"It's a prank! That eviction notice is fake".

I grinned mischievously, and took off running before Michael could catch me.

"I really thought that this was legit".

Michael said, as he let out a sigh of relief.

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