Locking Him In The Bathroom *On Him* (Mature era)

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Today, Michael had to attend a meeting with the people who work with him during rehearsals.

I had gotten myself ready to go, and Michael was still in the bathroom getting his hair done by a hairdresser.

When the hairdresser left for a few minutes to go and get something she needed, I took the opportunity to prank Michael once again by locking him in the bathroom.

I quietly moved the couch over to the bathroom door to prevent Michael from getting out.

His kids were coming downstairs after I had helped them get ready.

Until then, was when Michael finally noticed that something was blocking the door.


He turned the knob several times and when that didn't work, Michael knocked on it.

I was giggling while filming him using my iPhone.

"Michael, what's the matter"?

I asked.

"I can't open the bathroom door, it's stuck".

Michael tried to gently push the door, but it was useless.

"Oh no. I think the door is jammed".

I snickered.

"I have to finish getting ready. Please let me out".

I was laughing as I pushed the couch away from the bathroom door, aiming the camera at Michael.

"You're never getting out of there. Ever".

Michael turned around and saw that the door was barely opened, and then he pushed it out.

He saw me laughing while pointing my phone at him.

"Very funny Emily".

The singer glared playfully, and then when I told his kids about the prank, they started laughing too.

By now, the hairdresser had come back with the thing she needed.

I childishly sticking out my tongue at him.

Michael giggled as I walked away.

He was going to prank me back really good.

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