Laxatives Prank *On Him* (Bad era)

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Today was Sunday.

Michael and I decided to celebrate Mother's Day at the Jackson family house.

"Hello Michael"!

Katherine was excited to see her son.

"What's up Mikey"?

His brothers greeted their younger brother.

I gave them all a hug too.

Everyone talked to each other and then we all went to the kitchen to eat lunch.

While Michael was eating, I excused myself to go and use the bathroom.

I secretly took out the laxatives from my purse and then did my business.

After that, I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water for Michael.

"Here you go, baby".

I smiled and gave Michael his water.

"Thank you".

Michael blushed a little bit because he was shy.

I sat down on the couch next to Michael.

After about fifteen minutes, Michael's stomach started making funny noises.

"What's wrong, Michael"?

Katherine asked.

"My stomach is hurting really bad...owwww".

With that in mind, the famous singer made a dash for the bathroom.

I went to go see if he was okay or not.


Michael groaned painfully.

I giggled and the king of pop asked me what was so funny.


I whispered, so his family wouldn't hear.

"What's going on"?

Michael looked to the right and on the bathroom sink counter was a pack of laxatives.

"Really F/n"?

After a few minutes, the door opened and Michael walked out giving me an annoyed look.

"I gotcha good, Applehead".

I giggled.

"That wasn't funny, you embarrassed me in front of my whole family".

By the end of the day, Michael accepted my apology after I said I was sorry.

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