Smoothie Wake Up Prank *On Him* (Invincible era)

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It was 6:00 in the morning, and since I was already up for the day, I decided to prank Michael.

While he was asleep, I plugged in a blender and placed it on his nightstand.

After getting the blender cup out and filling it with the ingredients, I quietly sneaked into the bedroom.

Michael was fast asleep and he woke up with a scream and he nearly fell off the bed when he heard a loud noise.

When he looked over at me, I was laughing at him.

"What are you doing"?

He asked in a grumpy voice.

"I made you breakfast".

I said, and grinned cheerfully.

But the king of pop wasn't in the mood for a fruit smoothie.

"No thank you".

Michael said with a pout, and then he turned to the opposite side and laid his head down on the pillow, pulling the blankets over his head as he did so.

I left the bedroom to go and get something else to prank him with.

A little while later, Michael woke up to the sound of the blender again.

"Why you do this to me"?

He pouted, and I giggled and pressed the red button on the taser so it could make its noise.

Michael screamed loudly and ran out of the bedroom, with the blanket still wrapped around his body.

I laughed and laughed while chasing him across the hallway.

"Please stop"!

He begged me, as I cornered him so he wouldn't escape.

I kept on scaring Michael with the taser until Bill and Javon came to see what all the commotion was about.

"Mr. Jackson, are you okay"?

Bill asked.

"F/n woke me up by putting a blender on my nightstand and then, she scared me to death with a taser".

Michael said, as he got back up on his feet.

"It was soooo funny"!

I said, while still laughing my butt off.

"Shh! My chewdren are still sleeping".

Michael hushed me.

After all that, I went back to the kitchen to make breakfast while Michael went back to bed because it was still early in the morning.

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