Valentine's Day Prank *On Her* (Mature era)

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(February 14th, 2022*)

This year for Valentine's Day, Michael wanted to prank me, and he was going to use the box of chocolates he was going to give to me as a gift.

While I was in the kitchen making melted chocolate to dip the strawberries we were having tonight, he snuck to the bedroom and took out the box of chocolates.

He filled them with wet canned cat food and then after I was done making the melted chocolate an hour later, he proceeded to give me my Valentine from him.

"Applehead! We're having chocolate-covered strawberries for our Valentine's Day treat".

I excitedly said as I put the cooking pot filled with freshly-made melted chocolate on the counter.

"Yes, I know that, baby. And I can't wait to have some later on tonight".

Michael grinned, holding the box of chocolates behind his back.

I looked at him suspiciously and then noticed that he was blushing.

"Michael, what's that behind your back"?

I asked him, and he giggled like a happy child.


Michael took out the box of chocolates and held it out me.

"Oooh...! A box of chocolates! Thank you so much Michael".

I graciously took the gift and opened it.

Then, I picked up one of the chocolates and took a bite.

Immediately after that, I noticed that something didn't taste right.

"Hmm...something's wrong with the chocolates you gave me.

"What is it, F/n"?

Michael was secretly trying hard not to laugh.

I spat out the chewed up pieces of food into my hand and sniffed it.

"Is that Cinnamon's cat food"?!

Michael rolled on the floor while laughing like crazy.

"Hahahaha! I pranked you so good".

He said, as I took a drink of water from the kitchen sink to wash away the cat food taste in my mouth.

"Aha, very funny Applehead. You somehow managed to prank me on Valentine's Day for the second year in a row".

I gave him a playful glare and then he laughed at me again.

Michael Jackson: Book Of Pranks 2 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ