Chapter 16: Your Queen Awaits Part II

Start from the beginning

"If she could do anything like that, I would know."

The Darkling eyed Mal for a moment before moving his penetrating gaze back to me, holding it there till I could feel myself crumbling.

"We all have our secrets," he said softly.

Mal moved his mouth as if to say more, but the Darkling, in one deft gesture, silenced the tracker. Anger flashed across Mal's face, but he said no more. For some reason, I found that satisfying. Point team Darkling. The General rose from his chair. He made another gesture, and his soldiers moved aside, creating a path for him which led straight to Mother.

"Now, what do you say, Alina Starkov?" he asked with a pleasantness that was not there before. 

I noted how he emphasised 'Starkov.' A piece of knowledge that he thought we only shared. I swallowed. I know I wasn't the one being questioned, but I couldn't help but be nervous for Mother. How was she so calm right now? Her heart was pumping steadily, not an ounce of adrenalin affecting her.

"There's been some kind of mistake," she stated, her voice smooth, silky. It reminded me a lot of Aunty Ulla's siren sound.

"I didn't do anything. I don't know how we survived."

I saw the flash of surprise that quickly glossed over his eyes. He had met his equal. And he was only beginning to come to terms with the concept. It was a fascinating thing to watch. He regained his resolve before anyone could notice, appearing to consider her statement. Then he crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side.

"Well, I like to think that I know everything that happens in Ravka and that if I had a Sun Summoner living in my own country, I'd be aware of it."

"It's not yours yet," I uttered under my breath.


Now the Darkling pivoted to me. He had caught what I said. I saw understanding wash over him as he processed the information. He didn't stop Mother's questioning. But I could tell I had got under his skin as his voice went up a few decibels.

"But something powerful stopped the volcra and saved the King's skiffs.

He waited as if expecting Mother to solve this dilemma for him.

I watched as Mother raised her chin stubbornly, defiantly. "I didn't do anything," she proclaimed. "Not. One. Thing." The Darkling's mouth twitched again. He liked her. I had to resist the urge to smile myself.

"Is your memory as faulty as your friend's?" he asked, nodding in Mal's direction.

When Mother didn't respond, he issued a command.

"Hold out your arm."

"What?" Mother asked.

"We've wasted enough time. Hold out your arm."

She didn't hesitate. This was not the story Mother told. Perhaps my telling her who she was, was giving her confidence. Was I already changing the timeline? Now I was frightened.

"Push up your sleeve."

Everyone was looking expectantly as the Darkling spread his arms to summon. We watched as pools of shadow burst from his hands with a life he gave them.

"Now," he said in a conversational tone, "let's see what you can do."

He brought his hands together in a resounding clap. Immediately darkness spilt out into the tent over me and the others. I spent a few moments enjoying the shadow's protection. I reached out, and immediately a shadow wrapped itself around my hand. It was my friend. It always had been. I smiled at the thought, but it didn't last long as the Darkling's voice rang out through the darkness.

"Nothing there?"

Why was Mother fighting this? She knew she was Grisha. Why not give in?

"Not so fast."

That was the last thing I heard.

The world exploded into blinding white light. The darkness was gone. For a moment, I saw everyone's shocked faces as the tent filled with sunlight. I grinned. I basked in the glory of it. I could feel the light call to me, beckoning me to join it. Then the Darkling released his grip on Mother, and the glorious light disappeared with it. But I could still feel the sunlight's warmth on my skin. Mother's legs gave way, and he caught her against his own body, but he was looking at me now.

The jig was up.

"Everyone out!" he boomed.

I began to make my exit along with the crowd, a meek attempt to escape the inescapable.

"Not you, Leksi."

Oh, well. I tried.

Before I knew it, it was only the three of us. Wait? Why was Mother still here? She was supposed to be rushed off to the Little Palace with Ivan. This was not how it was supposed to go.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, young lady," the Darkling chided.

Yes. Yes, I do.

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