"How are you doing?" I start.

She sighs, "I've had some good and bad days, I have an at home nurse that comes to check on me here and there. Most of the time I'm okay when she comes, but it's nice to know I have someone here just in case."

Her words break my heart. She's been a motherly figure for me since I was 18. She doesn't have many family, never had kids and was only married once. I wish I was the one taking care of her.

I rest my hand on hers, "I'm so sorry Nora. Sorry for not coming to visit you and for taking this long since you left the hospital to even check on you."

She rests her other hand on top of mine, "Sweetheart you have nothing to be sorry for, you're young. Live your life, you cannot and will not worry about me from here on, promise me."

I sigh and wipe away a stray tear, "I'll always worry about you. You have always been there for me, you treated me like I was yours more so than my own mother ever did."

She smiles, "My sweet girl, I love you Delilah." Her voice shakes.

I lean over and hug her once more, prolonging it this time.

We chat about a few more things, mainly how much she misses working at the apartment building which I couldn't understand why and Harry. I don't mention the tour or Liam because then I'd have to talk about what happened to me and she would feel sorry for me. This moment is supposed to be about her.

Once I say I have to go, I promise her that I'll keep in touch and stop by more, then I leave. She looks healthy so I'm convincing myself she's fine.

I get in my car, turn on Can't Go Back Now by The Weepies and drive to my next destination.


Pulling into the parking lot felt so foreign. It used to be a home to me and now I haven't been here in months.

I open the door, the bell chimes as I walk in which gives me so much nostalgia.

Somebody walks out from the back and goes behind the desk, "Welcome in, do you have an appointment?"

It's a young guy, can't be any older than twenty one. He has sleeved tattoos on both arms and is wearing a tight black t shirt. His hair is messy and hanging in front of his face.

"No I don't, I was actually just looking for Leo. Does he work today?"

"Yeah I'll go get him, can I have your name?"

"It's Delilah."

He smiles, "Alright be right back."

I stand there for a short minute until Leo walks out with wide eyes, "Holy shit!" He runs up to me and gives me the tightest hug.

I laugh while hugging him back, "Surprise!"

Leo pulls away and places his hands on my shoulders, inspecting me, "How are you?! I heard what happened while you were in Nashville."

I forgot that just because I'm back home doesn't mean news doesn't travel. I mean who am I kidding, they're pretty big around the US and some other countries.

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