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Harry Styles

It's been a week.

A week of silence. Not just from Calum but from Delilah too.

After I got the phone call from her, I was confused as to why she was calling me right after she had just left. When I answered, my heart sunk into my literal asshole.

Hearing his name leave her mouth and then hearing his voice was something that irked me in a way I can't describe. When the phone call ended abruptly I was already in my car and halfway to her apartment, going way over the speed limit.

Walking into her apartment and hearing her screams is something I won't ever be able to get out of my head.

I felt like time stopped as I walked in and pulled Calum off of her. One minute I threw him down and the next minute he was purple in the face, it was all a blur.

But he didn't die like I thought he did. He managed to sneak out and we haven't heard anything from him since.

Delilah isn't doing too good, I had her come stay with me instead of at her place since he managed to find out where she lived. She also hasn't been to work since that night since he knows where it is as well. She had her coworker, can't remember his name for the life of me, take over for her until she can go back. If she ever does, that is.

She hasn't talked. She just sits on my couch and stares at the wall or sleeps in my bed. She has barely eaten unless I force her to. She won't take a shower unless I'm with her and even then she won't wash herself, I've had to do it.

I don't mind doing these things for her but it's hard when she doesn't talk to me and tell me what's on her mind.

Christmas was just a few days ago and I bought her a gift, but she wouldn't even look at me or speak to me when I tried to give it to her.

I even had Zayn come to try and talk to her since he does it so easily and even then, she was mute.

She doesn't look me in the eyes anymore.

I miss her brown eyes meeting mine. I miss hearing her raspy voice, like the kind that pisses some people off because they just want you to clear your throat to rid of it except that's how she sounds all of the time. I love it.

I have met with the guys a couple times throughout the week just making a plan on how we're going to search for this bastard. We went to his house a couple days ago and the entire place is empty, he moved. No trace of him anywhere.

I had to contact Luca to tell him we won't be able to do a mission for the rest of week and to tell him to keep an eye out for Calum in case he tries to get into contact with him. Luca knew we let him go since he never told us to exactly kill him in the first place, just find answers.

He's being very lenient on this situation and I don't know why, I assumed he would tell just us to go and leave Delilah to fend for herself a few hours, but he didn't. He actually said to come back whenever it all dies down. Odd.

Once I do find Calum though, he's fucking dead. I plan on making it a very slow and painful death.

The guys are on their way to my house right now to do some more planning. We do it in my living room since every time they come, Delilah is asleep in my room.

He cut her up pretty bad, she had to get stitches on her neck and some on her cheek since it went pretty deep. I had to lie for her at the hospital and say she was attacked by a damn dog.

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