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This chapter dives into SA a few times. Please read at your own risk.

Harry Styles

"Come on, you have to start getting ready." I pull on Delilah's arm to try and get her out of bed since she's been laying in it all day.

She groans and presses her face in the pillow, "No I refuse. I don't wanna go anymore."

"Seriously Lavigne it's not gonna be that bad." I drop her arm and sit on the bed beside her.

"Says you! You didn't grow up with those monsters." Her voice comes out muffled.

I sigh, "You're being dramatic. It's just one night." I try to persuade her.

She whines and hits the bed, "Fine!" She lifts herself up and stomps out of bed and into the closet, "You're acting like a child." I point out.

Nothing but her middle finger peeks out of the closet causing me to roll my eyes and get ready myself.

It's not like I'm forcing her, I just simply stated that she might regret not getting to know them again. I mean hell, it's been almost four years. People change in that amount of time, a lot can happen. I sure as hell did.

I feel like neither of us really know anything about each other's past, and I can't tell if it should stay that way or not, for my sake.

I put on a blue dress shirt and my best looking black jeans paired with the only dress shoes I own for events we have to go to on missions.

I brush my teeth in the bathroom and comb through my hair to untangle it.

I'm meeting the goddamn parents and we aren't even dating yet. I'm shitting bricks and I don't do that.

Delilah walks into the bathroom without a word and pulls out her flat iron, plugging it in and applying makeup.

I just let her do her own thing and decide not to push, I make my way to the living room to wait on her which will probably take forever.

She told her mother we'd be there around 6pm and it's currently 4:30pm.

After waiting thirty minutes, Delilah finally walks out and I stand from the couch, "You look beautiful, Lavigne." I take in her appearance.

She's wearing a black turtleneck under a orange sleeveless sweater, a black skirt and knee high black socks paired with whatever her boots are called. Something doctor I think.

"Thank you Styles, you clean up nice." She eyes me up and down with arched eyebrows and I grin, "Let's go."

She sighs, "Hang on let me feed Nicks."

"I already did." She stops walking and turns to me, "You fed him? I haven't seen you do that once." She smiles and I roll my eyes, "Get your pretty ass in the car." She walks past me with a laugh and I slap her ass causing her to squeal.

We get into the car and I reverse out of the lot and type her parents address into my phone.

"Are you not gonna play music? Might take off some of the edge." I stare at the road while asking.

"No I need quiet, because it sure as hell won't be in a second."

"What do you mean?" I glance at her to see her elbow resting on the door, and her hand cupping her cheek.

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