24 - Divination

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"Nothing." Hermione laughed and began packing her things. "Where are you going?" Ron asked. It wasn't like Hermione to leave a class early. "I'm out. I have another class anyways." She stood up and left the room, causing Trelawney to look at our table with concern. Ron got up shortly after, following her. I rolled my eyes. Those two were so painfully obvious. Harry looked into the ball again. I'm not sure what exactly he wanted to see, but I looked after him anyways. This time the ball started changing colors. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked intently.

It was Severus. Inside the ball. Why would he be in there? Why is that what I'm seeing? He's just simply standing, why is this important? Suddenly he quickly began to walk closer, his legs disappearing as they were cut off by the ending of the ball. He spoke quietly but harshly. "Don't ever let me see you in here again. If I find you breaking this rule once more, I won't hesitate to make your life a living hell." I panicked, trying to figure out who he was talking to and where it was. I looked around noticing everybody was too busy at their own tables. Harry was now staring at me with shock. "Y/N? What was that about?" I shrugged and grabbed my wand. I stood up and walked over to the professor. Hermione and Ron may be rude enough to leave without permission, but Sybill has always been one of my favorites.

"Oh, hello, dear Y/N!" I smiled back at her. "I was wondering if I could be excused early?" She furrowed her eyebrows quickly. "Hm. Well, if you tell me what you saw in the ball, I'll allow it." I nodded hesitantly, planning to lie.

"I saw my parents. They were yelling at me." She nodded softly and frowned at me. "Very well. You may go, thank you for asking before hand." She referred to Ron and Hermione, which made me giggle. She felt the same way I did. I waved a quick goodbye to Harry and began trudging out of the room.

I made it to the library before collapsing in a chair. I looked over at the restricted section. They had so many good books in there.. it was tempting. The librarian was attending to another shelf, so I took the opportunity to sneak in. "Alohamora." I successfully opened the door and slipped inside, closing it quietly. I turned around and ran straight into a chest. I stumbled backward, trying to catch my balance. I looked down to be met with brown hair. It was the same kid who had been staring at me in the Great Hall earlier. I grimaced and tried moving around me, but he stepped in front of me, cutting off my path. I huffed and looked at him. "What do you want?"

He smirked and lifted my unwounded hand. I ripped it away, making him glare at me. "Unless you want me to tell Professor Snape you were in here, I'd suggest you follow along with me." He cupped my cheek and I scoffed, laughing lightly. I quickly raised my hand and smacked his off of my face. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "You cannot threaten me into doing inappropriate actions with you. Snape does not scare me, neither do you." He rolled his eyes and stomped off, leaving the restricted section.

I returned to looking at the shelves. They were huge, and a beautiful dark wood. They were filled with different books, one in particular catching my eye. I walked over to it and stared, realizing it was a copy of the book Minerva had gave me.

SHIT! I forgot about the book!

I sighed gently, remembering my conversation with Severus earlier. I felt tears welling up again and shook my head, drowning them away. I pulled out another book that had interested me, reading it silently whilst following the words with my finger.

"Miss Conway. I assume you know this section is in fact off limits." I immediately recognized the voice. That kid really had gone and told on me. I giggled to myself and turned around to face him. "Something funny?" He glared at me. "Just the fact that the only reason you were alerted was because he was mad I rejected his advances. Not only that, but I'd like to inform you that he has no reason to snitch on somebody for the mere fact that he was also breaking the same rule."

He raised his eyebrow and looked at me. I glanced down, trying to hide my feelings. I couldn't let him know I was still upset because of earlier. He would think I was weak. He stared at me for a few more moments before I felt him begin to walk closer. I refused looking up at him, keeping my gaze locked onto his shoes. "Don't ever let me see you in here again. If I find you breaking this rule once more, I won't hesitate to make your life a living hell." I gulped, remembering I had just heard that statement earlier in Divination. He was talking to me. Was that class really all it was made out to be, or is there more?

I was lost in thought before I noticed him stop right in front of me. I felt harsh fingers lift up my chin, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "Do you understand, Miss Conway?" I couldn't agree.

If he planned on punishing me, I'd more than likely come back.

He sighed and released my chin, backing off a step. I slightly frowned from the loss of contact. Looking down at the floor, I moved my hand up to my shoulder brushing it off even though I knew there was no dirt on it. It was more of a comfort tact. I did it quite often.


I glanced back up at him as he said my name. I felt my heart flutter as he stared back at me.

He was gorgeous.

"You need to stop thinking those things. It's inappropriate."

I huffed, staring back at him. "You weren't saying that when I was taking care of you just yesterday!" He rolled his eyes and began to leave the room. I stomped after him and grabbed his arm, forcefully turning him around. I winced at the pain that shot through my wrist. He looked at me in shock before he quickly changed to a glare. "Do not grab me." He sneered in my direction as he ripped my hand from his arm. "I will be escorting you to detention from dinner later. You will follow me without arguments." I sighed as he left the restricted section, slamming the door behind him. I grimaced, now realizing the librarian would know I was in here. I quickly left the room, locking the door behind me. She stared at me with a piercing glare, which I ignored and left the library silently. I need to find Draco.

I made my way to the Slytherin Common Room. Draco had Muggle Studies at this time and usually skipped it, as he wasn't the biggest fan of non-pure bloods or anything relating to them. It bothered me a bit, but I have learned to ignore it. I muttered the password and walked into the room, noticing Draco was practicing magic with a toad. "Draco." I must've scared him as he dropped the toad with a jump. "Geez, Y/N, warn someone!" I laughed, joining him at the table.

We spent most of the day practicing our magic on the toad, or attending classes. It was now time to head to the Great Hall for dinner. Which I was dreading for the fact that I had detention afterward. I guess I put it on myself when I entered the restricted section.

I was now sitting at our usual table with Draco when I noticed him staring at somebody. Amelia. "Earth to Draco." He snapped over at me and glared, which made me laugh. My wrist felt like it was going to fall off at this point so I took off my soulmate bracelet. Draco was watching me with concern. "Y/N... your wrist. What happened?" I covered it with my sleeve and grimaced as I had accidentally pressed on it. "Nothing. I just ran into something earlier." He nodded and seemed to leave it, thankfully. We ate and then it was finally time for detention.

I wondered if I could get off with a visit to the hospital wing..

I quickly stood up, planning to avoid the Professor. If I wanted to do so, I'd have to go fast. I was suddenly grateful that Dumbledore had laid off on the chaperone thing. I rushed down the hall and made it to the hospital wing uninterrupted. However, I spoke too soon.

"Just where do you think you're off to?"

Heathen (Severus Snape x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz