I Don't Know What Love Is

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I Don't Know What Love Is.......?

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the willingness to spend every hard-earned penny for a glimpse of happiness on the faces of the people you love. It gives you a strange satisfaction that people say green notes cannot buy.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is what makes the teen guy give away all his cool tattoo collection to save his little brother from getting bullied by the big guys in the neighborhood. It is not the loss that you feel, but the relief of being able to protect your younger one that matters at that moment.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the happiness you feel on seeing your better half smile, and the pain on your beloved's face that does not let you sleep at night. You feel what they feel. It is seeing only that person with eyes full of passion and not anyone else.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the acceptance of the fact while marrying, that you're making someone a part of your life, and likewise, you'll be a part of theirs. When you choose to accept the other person for who and what they are instead of trying to change them.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is when the mother chooses to make peace with the fact that her child is different from what she expected, yet loves him with every bit of her existence.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the forgiveness you get from your friend after she got hurt by something you said. It is I guess the fact that no matter how much you both fight, you'll always make it up with a hug and a smile.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the birth of hope and want to live, in the eyes of an old person when they first see their little grandchild. It is I guess the unconditional blessings they shower on their grandchildren so all the harms stay distant from them.

I don't know what love is. I guess it is the trust with which a little boy takes the leap of faith from above a high boundary into his father's arms. It is the blind trust that no matter what, his daddy won't let him fall.

I don't know what love is. I'm starting to realize that it is not just one feeling or one gesture. Love is the giving, the care, the trust, the belief, the loyalty. I guess love is what you get as a result when you mix up so many diverse feelings.
What I have gathered so far, is that love is like the little pieces that matter in life, and form the bigger picture of life itself.


Writer: Unknown

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