A Good-Hearted Woman

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A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who always looks for the good in others. She knows that we all have both good sides and bad sides. But, she doesn't let the negative sides of your character outweigh the positive ones.

A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who has unshakeable faith in you. She believes what you tell her. When you talk to her, she listens carefully to you. She listens to your words. She listens to your eyes, your body movements, your facial expressions. She even listens to your silence and tries to interpret it.

But, no! This kind of woman doesn't look for the good in you and she doesn't have absolute faith in you because she is naïve, docile, or stupid, but because she wants to believe that everyone around her is as genuine, trustworthy, and loyal as she is. Because she wants to believe that everyone is as honest about their intentions as she is. Because she wants to believe that everyone has a heart as pure and good as she has.

No. This kind of women isn't naïve or dumb. She isn't blind to the truth. And she certainly isn't looking through rose-colored glasses. Rather, she's curious about the good qualities in you. She's curious to find out your core nature and she wants to look deep down into your soul.

A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who will forgive you time and time again. She's the type of woman who will give you chances to admit to and put right your mistakes and make it up to her. And she won't do this because she's gullible, but because she knows that everyone makes mistakes and she believes that you'll prove she was right forgiving you and giving you chances.

A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who is willing to go out of her way and step out of her comfort zone to make you feel happy, respected, appreciated, and loved. She's the type of woman who is willing to make compromises and sacrifice her own needs, priorities, wishes, and even happiness, if she knows that this will contribute to your happiness in some way.

But, know that this woman's good, pure, and soft heart didn't become that way just because it has only known good. Instead, it is a choice that she makes on a daily basis to go against every bad, evil thing she's seen and every harsh truth she's known. It's a choice she makes to believe that you can do things right, change, grow, and turn into the best version of yourself.

But, there's one more thing you need to know when it comes to a good-hearted woman and that is that even the woman who has the best and purest heart in the entire world gets tired.

Yes, she gets tired of having her trust tested time and time again. She gets tired of constantly having her character challenged. She gets tired of ending up hurt and having her hopes shattered every time she gives her heart to someone.

Therefore, know that when a good-hearted woman completely loses her trust in you, she won't give you a chance to make it up to her. She won't give you a chance to change. She won't give you a chance to play with her heart and betray her trust again. Instead, she'll simply walk away.

Yes, she will let go of you.

She'll let go of you even though this will hurt her. She'll walk away from you even though this will break her heart in two. She'll let go of you because she knows that staying with you will hurt her even more than leaving you.

Yes, that's the truth – when this kind of woman has exhausted every way of fighting for you and when she's done everything in her power to save your relationship and yet nothing worked, she simply stops trying. She stops trying to save what you two have. She stops investing time and energy in your relationship. She stops fighting for you.

Writer: Unknown

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