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The planet is downloading new information, it is "changing its operating system" and that is a bit traumatic, with the certainty that something bigger is in charge and knows where it is taking us.

Let's trust!

Common well-being will prevail over individual well-being, so let us join that flow without resistance with awareness and responsibility, with confidence.

It is easier to get on the wave and ride it than to resist it.

Let us embrace change,
Let us hear our hearts,
Let us internalize.
Let's go into a bit of silence,
hear less news,
and hear more what our thoughts, fears, despair, and discomfort have to tell us about ourselves (that takes courage).
Let's take the lights off the messenger,
name it less, and start reading his message.
The sooner we become aware of that message, the faster and less painful the movement will be.

Trust intuition !

A sense of inner calm is the soul's GPS

and kisses
to one & all 🤗😘


And Mother Earth need your support so she can heal our planet so that life can thrive for the greater good.

We all have to play our part in the circle of Life

Writer: Unknown

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