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Life disappoints you to stop living with illusions and see reality. Life destroys you everything superfluous, until there is only the important thing left. Life doesn't leave you alone, so you stop fighting, and accept everything that is. Life takes away what you have, until you stop complaining and thank you. Life sends you conflicted people to sañés and stop reflecting outside what you have inside.

Life lets you fall over and over again, until you decide to learn the lesson. Life takes you out of the way and presents you crossroads, until you stop wanting to control and flow like river. Life puts you enemies in the road, until you stop "reacting". Life scares you and startle as many times as necessary, until you lose fear and regain your faith.
Life takes away true love, it doesn't grant you or allow, until you stop trying to buy it with trinkets.

Life keeps you away from the people you love, until you understand that we are not this body, but the soul it contains. Life laughs at you so many times, until you stop taking everything so seriously and laugh at yourself. Life breaks you down and breaks you in as many parts as it takes for the light to penetrate there.

Life confronts you with rebels, until you stop trying to control it. Life repeats the same message to you, even with screams and slaps, until you finally listen. Life sends you lightning and storms, so you wake up. Life humiliates and defeat you over and over again until you decide to let your EGO die. Life denies you goods and greatness until you stop wanting goods and greatness and start serving. Life cuts your wings and pruning your roots, until you need neither wings nor roots, but just disappear in the ways and fly from the Being. Life denies you miracles, until you understand that everything is a miracle. Life shortens your time, so you hurry to learn to live. Life ridicule you until you become nothing, until you become nobody, and so you become everything.

Life doesn't give you what you want, but what you need to evolve. Life hurts you, hurts you, torments you, until you leave your whims and tantrums and appreciate breathing. Life hides the treasures from you, until you take the journey, until you go out looking for them. Life denies you God, until you see him in everyone and everything. Life shortens you, pruning you, takes you away, breaks you, disappoints you, cracks you, breaks you... until only in you there is LOVE ".

Writer: Unknown

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