3 Tips to Silence Stressful Thoughts

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3 Tips to Silence Stressful Thoughts

When stress hits at 8:00 AM, it might take everything you have to keep cool.
Maybe you have kids to get out the door, lunches to make, clothes to put on, keys to find...

Whatever your morning usually looks like, these three tips will help silence some of the stressful thoughts that are renting space in your head, so that you can get on to bigger and better things.

#1: Be Kind to Your Mind
You have the ability to think any thought you want. Why think thoughts that will create chaos in your life?" When you start to feel angry at what you're thinking, don't look at this as a reflection of who you are. Don't hate yourself (or your mind) for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts.

#2: Take Care of Your Body
Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need in order to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of movement do you enjoy? Once you know about what will make your body feel good, you can easily care for it. Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

#3: Do Mirror Work
Look into the mirror, gaze into your eyes and, at least once a day, say, I love you, I really love you! The more you express self-love, the more you'll feel self-love.


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