Life is a Gift

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Life is a Gift

Feeling happy and enjoying life is something we all want to do, and one of the most effective paths towards happiness is to have a grateful heart. Being grateful means we are feeling blessed and happy, thus giving a more positive mindset. A more positive mindset will allow us to make better decisions, leading to less stress and increased happiness, and feeling more positive about life will increase the pleasure we receive from life.

The opposite of being grateful is always wanting and needing, and this is the path towards unhappiness, and this can create emotions of jealousy, envy, resentment, and so much more. These are all negative emotions, creating stress and unhappiness, but having a grateful heart blocks these feelings. There is nothing wrong with wanting something, it is when we forget what we have and only focus on wanting and needing, this then leads to stress and unhappiness.

Gratitude helps us to grow, to expand, to become better, it brings joy and laughter into our lives and into the lives of all those around us. To have a loving and grateful heart, and positive disposition will attract more positive things into our life. Gratitude also gives us a higher sense of self-worth, because being grateful for everything in our life also shows that other people have also made positive contributions to our life. Instead of seeing the bad, we are more focused on the good, feeling more relaxed and less stressed. Feeling happier and less stressed is also good for health, plus a happy smiling face is a beautiful face.

Gratitude also reduces the need to feel in control, it makes us more accepting of our life because we are grateful for what we have. When we look at life through the eyes of gratitude, the world becomes a magical and amazing place. Gratitude can turn common days into beautiful and amazing days, turn a normal job into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

A grateful heart is a beautiful loving heart, so let's start the day with a smile, feeling thankful for life and everything in our life, and experience all the joy and beauty that life can offer, because life is beautiful :)

Writer: Unknown

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