You become what you do every day

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You become what you do every day.

For example:
• You smoke every day, and you become a smoker.
• You drink every day, and you become an alcoholic.
• You overeat every day, and you become obese.
• You neglect your health every day, and you become sick.
• You neglect your relationship every day, and it turns sour.
• You spend beyond your limits every day, and you become poor.
• You practice being unhappy every day, and you become depressed.

• You exercise every day, and you become fit.
• You sing every day, and you become a singer.
• You run every day, and you become a runner.
• You write every day, and you become a writer.
• You eat moderately every day, and you maintain a healthy weight.
• You think about business every day, and you become a businessman.
• You work diligently every day and become successful in your career.
• You save and make your money grow every day, and you become wealthy.
• You read a little every day, and you become knowledgeable on that subject.
• You spend quality time in your relationship every day and develop healthy relationships.
• You practice being happy every day, and you become a happy person.
• You strive for spiritual growth every day, and you grow spiritually.

Wherever you are in life, it is likely you did not get there in an instant.
Everything that is part of your life became so because you have been meditating upon it consistently. People who are very good at what they do find a way to consistently do the things they are passionate about without taking long absences from it. Thus, if there is something that does not serve you that you wish to eliminate from your life, simply find a way to do it infrequently until you completely stop doing it. Conversely, if there is something you want to develop within yourself, find a way to do it every day, and one day it will become a natural part of you.

The day to take charge and create the life you want is thus today!

Writer: Unknown

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