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The holidays are coming soon and when this time comes, we all spend a lot of time with our friends and family. However, there are also those who we would rather stay away from because of the hurt they have caused us in the past. Although this may be the case with some people, there are certain things you should forgive and forget and just let things go. Life is just way too short to hold a grudge. You never know when the person you used to get along with really well, friend or family member, may be gone soon. You know how the saying goes, "Here today, gone tomorrow," right? Think about that saying and tell yourself to just let it go

10. You Will Bring on More Drama in Your Life
Do you really want to attract more drama into your personal life? You don't like drama in your life, only on television, right? Well, tell yourself to forgive the person who hurt you and forget about the problems they caused.

9, You Would Like to be Forgiven Yourself
Think about how you would like to be forgiven if the wheels were turned around and you were the one who needed to be forgiven by someone else. Wouldn't you want them to forgive and forget what you did to them? If that is the case, then this is a really good reason to forgive them and forget what they did to you.

8, You Will Keep Reliving The Event
If you hold on to the past and do not forgive or forget what was done to you, you will just keep reliving the past over and over again. You will keep reliving the event that happened to you and this will hurt you. You definitely don't want this to happen so just let the past go. Forgive the person who hurt you the most, and forget what they have done to you. You will be glad you did!

7, The Law of Attraction: Negativity
Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? When you hold on to the bad, you attract those same qualities through the Law of Attraction. This means you will have some negative qualities about yourself and you don't want that so please, forgive and forget.

6, The Law of Attraction: Positivity
The same thing holds true when you forgive that person who hurt you and forget about what they did to hurt you. You will attract positive or good qualities through the Law of Attraction.

5, You Would Like to be Known as Someone Who Forgives and Forgets
Wouldn't you prefer to be known as someone who forgives and forgets rather than someone who holds a grudge? This is a great reason to forgive the person who hurt you and forget about the problems they may have caused you. One day, you are going to be gone and you don't want to be known as the one who holds on to negative things for their whole life, do you? No, you don't so forgive and forget!

4, Moving On
You can't move on with your life if you are holding on to the negative things that have happened in the past. Let it hurt, let it heal, let it go!

3, They Must Have Some Good Qualities Still
If you have loved someone in the past but they hurt you, and you are holding on to the negative feelings and past troubles they may have caused, think about this for a minute or two: At one time, you loved them and they loved you. They were a part of your life and still can be if you let this go. Obviously, if you were close to them before they hurt you, they must still have good qualities. After all, all people have good in them. Not everyone is 100 percent good and not everyone is 100 percent bad either. Think about that and forgive and forget. Let It Go!

2, You Want Peace in Your Life
If you want peace and a little more harmony in your life, you will need to forgive and forget what happened in the past and let it go. You will never find that peace you are searching for as long as you hold on to grudges for the rest of your life.

1. You Are Responsible for Your Own Happiness in Your Life
At the end of the day, no one is more responsible for your happiness but you. This means to let the hurt go because you will never be happy as long as you hold on to it for the rest of your life. Let it go and move on. Make yourself happy by letting the hurt go.

These are all great reasons to let the past hurts go and live your life happier. Don't hold on to the pain too long or you will never be happy with yourself. One day, that person won't be around to forgive so don't wait until it is too late to forgive and forget.


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