What makes you beautiful?

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What makes you beautiful?

At the naughty age of 50... We had our school reunion...one of my friends mentioned - look at the girls..they are still looking so beautiful 😍...even today, I skipped a heartbeat looking at my crush ..😀. But the boys are looking so old...many are bald with protruding tummies & shrunken faces ...😔

Made me think...what makes a person beautiful? Is it just looks?

Obviously, it's nice to look good...it may boost one's confidence & social interactions ...but is it enough?

I guess there is a vast difference between 'looking' beautiful & 'being' beautiful...

A lady who has disfigured her body during pregnancy ...now she is struggling with her complexes...
..but yet she is the source of unconditional love for family ...is beautiful...

A bald, obese man who is facing multiple professional challenges...yet he is the source of rock-solid support for the family...is a beautiful person...

A working lady ...stressing herself out with balancing work & home... still finds time for her ill mother in law neglecting her taunts...is beautiful 😊

The fragrance of love & care spread by them is far superior to any strong perfume ...

Eventually, the beauty of the body will fade one day...but the beauty of the soul will not...

Personally....how you ' look' matters for the first few minutes...but how you 'are' ..matters lifetime...😊

Stay beautiful 😍

By -
Amitabh Bachchan
At his School reunion

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