Part 10: Hard Truth

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Quincy James woke up to loud voices on a day that could easily be classified as the worse possible day for him to be woken out his damn sleep. He'd worked late the previous night and had barely gotten four hours of sleep in before he felt his husband shake him up, then came the voice.

"Quincy! Come on, wake up!" Sebby called frantically, scared of what might be taking place downstairs.

That did it, next thing the light skinned man saw was his husband with a gun in hand as he went to go look. "Stay here." Quincy instructed.

Did Sebby listen though? When has he ever? So nope, he followed right behind his husband as they made their way downstairs.

"Yo POPS!! POPS!!! Where y'all at?!" Came a voice that both men now came to recognize as the voice of none other than their first born son. They were at the bottom of the stairs now.

Quincy sighed in annoyance. "Boy don't be coming in my house yelling like that, I could've blown your nappy head off. The fuck is you yelling for?"

"Did y'all know?" Qani asked in a quiet but heavy tone.

Sebby took a very close look at his son as he stood there confused. Qani's eyes were dark from a level of rage that he was familiar with, because he'd seen it too many times with Quincy. The male's hands were closed into fists that shook uncontrollably, veins threatening to pop right out of his face. Whatever was behind this anger had to be very sensitive, Sebby decided. He better take the lead on this one, because a situation like this required a reasonable amount of sensitivity and patience, which were two things Quincy James wasn't.

"I'm confused." Said Sebby, taking a step closer to Qani. "What are you talking about?"


"I'm assuming you're talking about Qira." Quincy commented, putting his gun away.

"No dad, I'm talking about the president of the United States, what do you think?"

"Imma let that slide cos you're upset, but don't get beat up, it's too early in the damn morning and my nerves still asleep."

Sebby rolled his eyes and stepped in front of Quincy, sending him a warning glare as he did so. "Qani, you need to take a deep breath and tell us what you mean? What do you mean if we knew? Didn't you?"

Qani's blood boiled, his head ached and the room started to spin beneath his feet. Why were they acting clueless? Why were they messing with his head? He wondered as he grabbed the first thing he could touch and threw it against his parent's glass door, shattering it.

"Imma beat his ass." Quincy stated, stepping forward angrily, only to be stopped by Sebby with a gentle push backwards.

"No you won't. Chill please, there's clearly something we're missing here."

Quincy sent a message to TJ real quick.

To TJ:
Betta come get yo broda before I put him thru the window. He going off about Qira.

"Qani please, what's going on? You sound like you don't know about your daughter."

"What? I sound..." Qani stuttered, anger and hurt blurring his vision.

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