"So, do you guys have any chocolate here? Preferably chocolate robots?" I grinned as she stopped in her tracks. In the corner of my eye I could see Sakune look like he wanted to burst out into a fit of laughter, even if it wouldn't make a sound, he still held it in, not wanting to cause a scene and get the old hag angry.

"We in fact don't have any chocolate here. If you want to perhaps earn it" she really put emphasis on the 'earn' "then we have chores around the orphanage you can do to maybe get some sort of treat. But other than that" she once again turned to Sakune who instantly switched up his persona and gave her a stone cold emotionless stare. "Masato, I forgot to mention, you are being adopted tomorrow morning, so get some rest tonight." Sakune seemed to have been caught off guard by this. And I'm not going to lie like I was.

"Your little brother's adoptive family has decided to take you in." Sakune looked a little more bright, hearing about his brother but he quickly switched moods, glaring at her and attempting to mouth words to her, but she seemed not to understand him whatsoever.

"He says he doesn't want to go." I spoke, reading his lips. He looked at me, a small smile resting on the corners of his mouth. 'Thanks' I saw his mouth. I gave him a small reassuring nod before turning back to look at the confused woman for some reason still in the doorway.

"Well sorry but you both don't really have much of a choice in the matter" I guess she knew I was going to say something else, so she closed the door as soon as she finished speaking and left. I sighed, walking over to a sad looking Sakune.

"Then I guess we'll just have to leave. '' Sakune looked up at me, confused. I smirked and reached my hand out to him, to which this time he didn't push away. His touch was soft, so was his smile as he held my hand. I helped him back up onto his feet and he gave me a determined nod. "We'll leave tonight, after your sign language lesson thingy." Honestly, I might join in on the lesson. I kinda want to learn something new anyways, plus a new skill like that means I don't need to speak when on missions where I should be silent so as to not get caught.

What am I even saying, I might never be able to go on another adventure like that with gon. Especially if I can't even find out where I am. All I know Is I'm in Matsutafu Japan. Which I've never even heard of for fucks sake! I thought it would be best to just ask someone where York New is but even then people just gave me weird looks and moved on. I'm starting to think this is a dream, or some sort of nen ability. If it's not either of those then I'm at a loss for words.

Sakune snapped me out of my thoughts, giving me a nudge to the shoulder. I quickly grounded myself and gave him a quick head nod. He smiled, but seemed a little nervous.

"Here, we can get out through the window" I slid open the window, taking a look out at the city around us. It was still mid-day, meaning we had a lot of time to plan. Even though our room is a floor above it wouldn't be that difficult to climb down from where we are currently. Maybe a little rocky but with the amount of strength Sakune has been building up since we met, it'll be a breeze.

Right at the base of the building, from here I can see a small playground surrounded by carefully cut hedges. Beyond there is just a plain street, lined with cars driving by, pedestrians passing through and buildings that stretch on for miles. If we land in the playground, we can make our way to the streets by the hedges. I doubt there are any flaws in them. And if there really aren't I'll just cut past them myself. Shouldn't take that long now should it?

"Alright. I've got a plan, if we get split up before around midnight, then we can meet each other outside by the play sets, meet by the plastic tunnels, got it?" Sakune nodded, mentally noting everything I was saying. "After that we can get past the hedges and onto the streets. We'll lay low, conceal our presence and make our way as far as we can from this place. For now we will just need to wait" that was all we said before there was a small knock at the door, interrupting our thoughts.

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