The two of them wore okay outfits, they also wore masks, except theirs were just normal face masks, probably just to hide their identity. They didn't say a word as the announcer called out to the four of us. The match was already decided as not to the death, just until two of one team was knocked out.

My eyes widened as I felt something, the first thing ive been able to sense here. It isn't nen but it's something. Someone was hiding here, in the shadows, their presence was concealed. But not by a quirk, by skill and technique on its own. The match countdown began as we readied our positions. I looked at Sakune and we nodded at each other before the countdown hit one. As soon as it did we jumped in opposite directions to confuse the other two. But they did the exact same as us almost exactly after.

The two of us shared a small worried glance before we stood sideways, facing them to shorten the amount of options they would have for attacking us. But yet again they just copied our every move moments after we did it. Sakune glanced at me only for a moment before I nodded. He instantly ran forward, sliding under the legs of our opponents and jumping up onto his feet, turning on his heel and chopping one of them in the back of the neck, making them collapse. He smiled in accomplishment before a hand raised behind him about to do the same thing to him.

I was there in the blink of an eye, colliding with the other person with my entire body, making them fall to the ground. Sakune quickly moved farther out of reach as he watched. I heard the guy underneath groan as he shoved me off of him. The strength shocked me as I fell back, holding my gut. He delivered an attack with the exact same strength as me. A distorted voice sounded from the face mask the guy was wearing.

"Our quirk allows us to use someone else's attack against them. We are the twin copycats." The dude in the weird outfit stated, his voice laced with venom. What is with everyone here and these stupid names? It's like they grabbed them out of a superhero manga.

I rolled my eyes as he lunged at me. I smirked, bending my back in an arch to the side, avoiding the attack before swinging my leg up and kicking them in the gut. I quickly kicked my other leg up as well, slamming it over their legs, grabbing their arm, twisting it and putting it behind their back. They can't use their power if they can't hit me.

I looked at Sakune, who held down the other guy. He held a quick thumbs up at me before I raised my arm to knock the guy under me out. But I stopped as a loud thud sounded from the speakers of the announcers room. I looked up, seeing people collapse left and right in the stadium. Some sort of purple mist began to take over the entire arena.

Sakune seemed just as confused as me as we watched until everyone in sight was out cold. Even my opponent. Our gas masks seemed to be keeping us safe from the poison in the air, I assume it's only a sleeping gas but if it's deadly I need to make sure Sakune is safe and keeps that mask on. The both of us still had our hoods on, the only visible feature about us being our masks. Out from the collapsed crowd, a couple people emerged from different areas, tossing to the side what looked to be these little bottles. Whatever was in those is what's in the air right now.

I instinctively stood up, trying to get to sakune to protect him as quickly as possible. But I froze, once again I couldn't move. It was easy to tell by now what Amaru's quirk was like. I couldn't see much from where I was standing, but what I could see was that cockatoo guy again. Though my heart skipped a beat when my peripheral vision was Sakune. He was shoved down onto the ground in front of me, with Amaru above him wearing a gas mask like us. He held a knife in one hand and placed it by Sakunes neck, neither of us being able to move.

"Move and the kid is dead!!" He shouted at the guys around the arena. I dont give a shit about them. I'm too worried about Sakune to give a shit. The mist was gone by now, and Amaru ripped off his gas mask.

"get the fuck away from him! You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" I shouted at Amaru. He smiled devilishly before pressing down harder on the knife, opening the previous wound he had received from the old man. The guys around us flinched as they watched what happened In front of them. But it didn't last long until a loud voice sounded through the stadium.

"I AM HERE!!" The voice yelled, and a man in some stupid spandex thingy jumped into the arena by breaking a hole in the bars. I freaked out instantly when the man stepped closer to Amaru and Sakune.

"You idiot!! Get the fuck out of here!!" I shouted at the big buff guy. He gave me this questioning look before Ignoring me and stepping closer again. He looked like he was about to do some big speech before Amaru smiled widely. He looked insane. He is insane.

"You should have listened to the kid." Was all he said before he brought the knife away from Sakune, and in an instant slamming his arm down on his neck. Something broke. Amaru was blown across the arena, hitting the bars and getting knocked out instantly. His quirk deactivated, I lunged forward grabbing onto Sakune and holding him in my arms. He can't die, not now. I won't let it happen.

Sakune choked on air as he held his own neck, he attempted to speak, but no words formed. He shook in my arms as someone approached us. I was so consumed in comforting the boy in my arms that I couldn't even hear the sirens around us as people were arrested in the stadium. I felt Sakunes hand grip onto the cloth of my shirt as his eyes filled with terror.

I looked up, glaring harshly at the man before us. I stood up, carrying Sakune in my arms gently. I grabbed the hair pin from my pocket and unlocked sakunes brace, not caring about my own before tossing him to the side. The guy before us was wearing this all black outfit, a grey scarf around his neck.

"Look kid, we're here to help" he started talking but I ignored him and kept glaring before opening my mouth to speak again.

"Where is the nearest hospital? Point." I spat harshly, ready to activate Godspeed and get Sakune to safety. The guy pointed and before he could even say another word I was gone.

Words: 1932


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