"May I ask, how did you all escape?" I kept writing my notes as I listened. But I froze when they answered.

"We didn't. They let us go" what? That doesn't make sense, was the arena not earning any money with children fighting? Are they going to go after grown ups next? What is the point of this play if they worked so hard to kidnap all these kids?

"Can you explain further?" I questioned, the kid fidgeted with their hands for a moment so I reached into my desk and pulled out a small fidget toy, handing it to the child. They smiled slightly, taking the offer and then beginning to speak again.

"There was this new kid, he had this bright white hair and blue eyes." I quickly wrote that down, so it was the same one Mic found? "The boss of the arena had assigned him a fight with the best fighter in the arena. And the boy made a deal with Amaru, saying if he won the fight then he would have to let the rest of us go. And when he won, we were set free" I noted down the new name, probably the owner of the arena. This still doesn't make sense though, why would they hold up to the deal, they're villains, none of this adds up.

"Do you know the boy's name? The young fighter?" They seemed to pause for a moment, thinking, trying their best to remember. If they didn't know that was fine, we can find out some other way. They stuttered for a moment before responding.

"I don't remember the kid's actual name, but his fighter name was 99, I remember it ringing in the speaker of my room when his fight was about to commence." I wrote down the number, glancing at my watch and then back to the kid.

"You had your own room?" They seemed to flinch at the mention of it, but quickly regained composure to respond.

"Yes, all the fighters got their own room at some point. It's nothing special. They looked away, directing their attention to the window in my office.

"Last question, do you remember where the arena is located?" The kid bowed their head slightly, looking down in shame. I continued "if you don't, that's totally okay, you can go get some rest and eat something, be sure to get a drink of water okay?" Before I could say another word, they raised their head and looked me dead in the eyes.

"No, its okay, I remember." My eyes widened slightly, waiting patiently for the location.


I sat alone in my office, sorting my notes, typing them into different documents and files. The kid from before ended up going straight to the hospital, even though their wounds weren't exactly fatal, we would rather be safe than sorry.

All of the children are being taken to an orphanage tomorrow morning. We learned a lot more not just from the oldest but from some of the younger ones as well. They mentioned how another boy was also still at the arena, some smaller children cried, saying they wanted 'Sakune' back.

After some research, we found a missing boy file from a couple weeks back. It was a boy, age 14 with bright orange hair and these golden colored eyes. His full name is Sakune Masato, he went missing a while back with no trace just like the other kidnapped children.

It was safe to say that Masato was a boy who probably took care of the younger children, calming them down and giving them comfort. We contacted the numbers of the missing children's parents. Only some were found still alive. The rest were either dead because of accidents or were killed by the same villains who stole their children.

Masato did in fact have a family, a father and a younger brother. After doing more research it was found out that he was removed from the home after his mother was murdered by his own father. His father was quickly arrested and young Masato and his brother were put into foster care. The more I looked into the boys file the more I felt like throwing up. Abuse was revealed in the family, and the two boys were separated at the orphanage by force.

I sighed softly, picking up my office phone and dialing the only number on the file. The younger boys adopted parents. Maybe they had contact with him before he disappeared? Whatever it was, it's best to check. The phone rang for a moment before the end of the line picked up. A kind voice chirping through the call.

"Hello! This is Ms.Yami! How can I help?" The voice was kind and welcoming. I took a small breath before answering.

"Hello Ms.Yami. This is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I am a detective, I work for a police station in Matsutafu Japan. May we speak?" The voice on the end of the line seemed to change, morphing into a more anxious tone as they replied with a short 'of course'

"Did something happen?" She asked softly. Her voice slightly trembled through the call.

"I believe you have an adopted son, Fuko Yami if I'm correct?" Her breath hitched as she confirmed my statement, asking me if something was wrong that involved her child, I assured her that her son was safe before continuing.

"You're child had an older brother, Sakune Masato. They were separated at an orphanage and haven't seen each other since then according to my files. The boy was kidnapped a while ago, more and more information on the situation is being uncovered as time passed, though the only number on the two boys file is yours, he never did end up getting into a home of his own." Ms. Yami took a moment, processing what I was saying. Which I understand, it's a lot to take in at once. But we need to contact the number on the file no matter what.

"Thank you for calling, if the boy is found we would be happy to take him in. I'm sure his brother would love to see him." She thanked me for telling her before saying her goodbyes and hanging up. I sighed, placing the phone back in the holder and falling back into my chair. I'm so done with today.

Tomorrow is going to be worse though. We were told the location of the arena, and planned on infiltrating it to shut the place down and retrieve the two kids still there by tomorrow. Midnight is supposed to use her mist to put everyone asleep when the plan commences. Pro heros such as Snipe, Midnight, Present Mic, Eraser Head and even Allmight will be on the scene, apprehending the villains and finding the two kids being held captive.

If things go smoothly then this case will be closed and the underground arena shut down.

Words: 1942

So uh, did i almost just swallow a pop tab?...perhaps...

Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt