Chapter 18: Misadventures in Stageplay Sittin'

Start from the beginning

The sound of their cries was agonizing indeed. Especially because a baby's only form of communication is their cries, which leaves you to guess what they want. They could be sleepy, hungry, wanting a toy, gassy, or even upset. In that case, they were upset because their parents went away for the night.

"Oh, shhh... don't cry kids, here, let auntie Cocoa show you what she can do."

I used my magic to make illusions to entertain the kids, as they cease their cryings and giggled and clapped their hands instead. Never thought I'd use my powers to entertain little kids like them, I guess that was part of my training I never knew I needed. Just then, a stench interrupted the spectacle. Again, I used magic to replace the diapers and place powder on their butts.

"There you go kiddos, all clean," I said, to them, "guess this isn't so bad, is it?" I asked. But this is when the real problem came in. Their bellies started to growl, and their lips started to quiver, as they whimpered. I put them into their little chairs and got out their baby food, I tried to get them to eat, but they refused to eat it.

"C'mon guys, that's good for you," I told them.

Allyssa leaned forward from her chair and smelled the slop, she nearly turned green and splatted the plate of baby food on my face.

"Ugghh... this baby food is disgusting..." I groaned, then turned to the twins, who were still crying. A sigh came out of my mouth after I shook off the baby food off my face. I got them the bottle but Allyssa still cried. Evan knew his sister better than anyone else, so he somehow tossed his blankie to her, and I was surprised when Alyssa caught it without missing it!

" What're you gonna do with your brother's blankie?" I asked, little Alyssa. She used her brother's blankie to wipe the grubby mess off my clothing. I looked down, and saw Evan smiling at me in crawling position. Once the deed was done, Alyssa winked to her brother, and he did the same, but with a wink.

"You two, will make a great-" I paused before there was a knock at the door. I already had Alyssa in my arms, so I scooped, Evan, (and his diaper), and went straight to the door. 

"Coming!" I shouted, as my quickened footsteps sounded closer on the other side. You'll never guess who was standing at the door with his face shadowed by the afternoon sun, Yep, you guessed it, it was Cuphead. He wore a red flannel checker jacket and brown pants, unlike the previous outfit he was wearing.

 He wore a red flannel checker jacket and brown pants, unlike the previous outfit he was wearing

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"Cute Kids," He said, "Sounds like you've been busy..."

I knew what he was trying to say, but I told him that these little ones weren't mine, and that I was babysitting for The Stageplays. Cuphead laughed softly, as I allowed him to hold Allyssa in his arms, while she cooed and sucked her thumbs. We decided it would be best to take them for a stroll, not knowing the awkwardness that followed. In which the whole townsfolk thought Allyssa and Evan were our children.

"Cocoa, I swear to cup, I'm beginning to think this is a really bad idea..."

"Yeah," I agreed, "We just started dating, and I don't think we have the consent to have a baby, " I said, before my eyes flashed green."EVER!"

Cuphead looked at me, as though I said, something offensive to him.

Cuphead looked at me, as though I said, something offensive to him

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"Ouch..." He replied. "But you're right."

We even took turns in feeding both of the twins, burping them, and even singing to them, and of course bearing the comments from the citizens; which in the end, we enjoyed all the attention of the townsfolk. I looked at the watch it was already late. We almost made it to the Stageplay's house but then someone said:


We rolled our eyes, it was King Dice.

"For the love of Asmodeus, dad, these babies aren't mine."

Cuphead joined in.

"Darn right, and we have to get them home before their mom and dad comes back!"

King Dice smiled, smugly but tenderly.

"Welp youse crazy kids better hurry, 'cause their parents are coming home in,"  King Dice stated, as he checked his pocket watch. "exactly one hour."

Cuphead and I looked at each other, before we sped like racing cars to Sally's house. Suddenly, the Devil ran outside to see him.

"Dicey, hon, what's all the racket?" The Devil  asked.

"She's helping out, darling."  Dice answered.

Stanley and Sally got home, as expected, only to find us nearly falling asleep while rocking the twins to sleep. They thanked us for our help, and rewarded us, with tickets to one of her plays. We were about to head on home, when suddenly Stanley declared...

" You and-a Cuphead, make a fine-a couple, I-a bet-a you're- a going to have-a your-a own bambinos- a someday, yes?"

We froze for a moment then we grinned at each other, nervously.

" Shall we...?" 


We ran away screaming, leaving nothing but dust behind. Leaving Mr. Stageplay confused, while his wife just giggled.

"What's-a with-a them?" He asked to Sally.

"Oh, it's nothin', dear,she said, as she kissed him on the cheek, as they turned to go inside. The stage twins suddenly woke up, and waved and smiled to an undignified audience, and spoke their first word.

"Buh- bye!"

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