The Monster Inside

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It was horrible to be aware of every movement your body was making, but have absolutely no control over it. It was like being trapped, being forced to watch through the eyes of someone innocent as their puppetmaster pulls their strings.

That's what it felt like for Arden. Her inner demon was the master, yanking on the strings and forcing her to do what she despised. She hated feeding from the innocent. And the MP below her whose cold, lifeless body was drained from blood, was innocent. She could feel it. His soul wasn't corrupt. Even if she didn't agree with the soldiers who chose to live safely in the interior by becoming MPs, she didn't think they deserved this. If anything, he was just a scared soldier who prayed for life and prosperity by joining the Military Police. Never had he imagined Titans lose in the Capital. And never had he imagined his last moments to be filled with demons and monsters.

But that's what she was. A demon. A filthy halfbreed. And the more she thought about it, the more her hatred for her demon heritage festered. Soon it would be at breaking point and she didn't know what she would do then.

Feeling the anger bubble inside of her, her eyes snapped open. Then she ripped herself away from the body, fumbling to crawl backwards and put as much distance between it and her as she could.

She forced herself to cough, wrenching harshly as if she were attempting to throw up the blood she had just drunken. But once again her body wouldn't allow it. The intoxicating red liquid filling her with a twisted satisfaction. In the end, she was only able to sputter out a few droplets of innocent blood.

"You done?" Kain asked, throwing her a look over his shoulder. He knew that his sister resented their demon side, that she wished to be rid of it. But the youngest Croix sibling embraced it with open arms, he wouldn't go through life without it.

Bringing the back of her hand up to her mouth, she began wiping away the blood on her chin in slow, harsh movements. Her eyes set into a harsh glare. Not at Kain or anything else. But herself. For allowing herself to become so weak that she lost control. Part of her wanted to blame the shifter blood for setting her of, for filling her with such an intense hunger that she lost herself. Yet she couldn't. She knew that it was all her fault.

"Yeah." She spat. The words coming out harsher than she intended. Gripping the wall behind her, she rose to her feet. The injury from the changeling feeling signicantly more healed now that she'd drank fresh, human blood. "Tch." She scoffed. There it was again. Solving all her problems by drinking human blood. Taming the beast inside by murdering the innocent. Demon blood was an incurable plague to her.

Her eyes landed on the two corpses she devoured. Their skin hollow and grey from the lack of blood. And no matter how much she wanted to tear her eyes away from them, to not let herself see it, she couldn't. She had to face it; the destruction she caused. Because if she turned a blind eye to it, then she really would be the stone cold killer demons are meant to be.

Noticing her glaring intensely at the bodies, Kain frowned. Approaching her and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, "You good to go?..." But received no answer. He felt as she tensed suddenly, her whole body going rigid. Then he sighed, "Look, if it makes you feel better, I'm the one who killed him, not you. And that other guy was already dead, so no biggie." He chuckled, meaning for it to sound humourous so he could lighten the mood. Instead it sounded awkward and defeated.

And he watched as she tipped her head back, eyes closing as she took in a slow, deep breath. When she opened them they had returned to normal. The sclera now white instead of black. The blood red orbs dull and blank. Her usual emotionless expression falling over her face.

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