Suspects Revealed

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Approaching the group consisting of Mikasa, Sasha and Connie, Hange called out to them as her Moblit and Kain arrived. "We all on the same page? We'll decide what to do with Ymir later."

Kain hummed in thought, squeezing his eyes shut and clasping his hands together as if her were wishing on a star, "I want to touch the severed limb." He mumbled to himself, earning incredulous looks from Sasha and Connie.

But Hange waved him off, already used to his strange outbursts, "Oh, and Connie?" She questioned, approaching the buzzed head boy, "Chin up. I'll order a squad to investigate your village. For now, stay focused. I want our energy on the task at hand. Clear?" Placing a hand on the boys shoulder.

"Crystal!" Connie responded strongly with a nod of his head.

"Hey." Kain whispered, nudging Moblit in the stomach with his elbow, "What happened to his village?"

Moblit raised a brow at him before whispering back, "Were you not listening when he was debriefed?"

"No?" Kain drew out slowly. Moblit shaking his head as he internally rolled his eyes. He should've expected that answer.

Walking over to the edge of the Wall, Hange narrowed her eyes, surveying the area below. Before voicing her concerns, "It's troubling. You would expect this area to be teeming with Titans... Hm?" She hummed curiously, something moving down below catching her attention. And upon further inspection, it became clear that it was 3 riders, the famous Garrison Regiment symbol displayed on the back of their cloaks. One blonde, short haired man in particular standing out. Hange gasped, "Hannes? Is that the Garrison advance squad? Tell me they've located the breach."

Kain immediately jumped forward, leaning over the edge of the 50 meter high wall to get a good look at the familiar man below. His crimson eyes widening as a cheeky smile spread across his features. Mikasa called for Eren and the others to join them. And soon enough there was a group waiting at the edge for Hannes, who had dismounted his horse and begun scaling the wall using his ODM gear.

When the older, blonde male was close to the top, Kain placed his hands on his hips and grinned smugly, "Did'ya miss me?"

Hannes looking up at the familiar voice as his head popped up over the top, "Not a chance, kiddo. The Garrison's been quieter without you." He teased with half a smile.

But Kain pouted, shoulders slumping in dejection, "You mean boring." He mumbled under his breath.

"What about the Wall?" Hange immediately questioned, hoping to hear some news on the location of the breach so it could patched up as soon as possible.

Struggling to pull himself up the last tiny bit, Hannes turned serious, "Wall's perfectly fine."

"What?" Eren breathed out in shock. Moving forward to help pull Hannes up to his feet. Everyone's eyes widening in shock.

"Spent all night trying to find out where they're getting in. But between Trost and Krolva District, there's nothing. No hole anywhere." Hannes stated sounding rather confused himself. He'd been the one to inspect the wall so he knew for a fact that there was no breach, but it still made no sense to him.

"That's impossible!" Hange called out incredulously, voicing everyone's thoughts.

But Hannes continued, sounding just as concerned as her, "We ran into a search party from Krolva and retraced our steps. Not a single Titan on the way her either."

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant