Their Escape

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And as everyone stared in horror, the Collosal Titan's ribs snapped, sending its hefty body plummeting over the side of the Wall. Traced by thick, boiling grey steam as it raced behind the falling figure. Jaw unhinged and wide open. The opening directly over Eren and Reiner's heads.

And as it came crashing down, it's humongous form only inches from crashing into the ground, Kain smirked wider. Crimson eyes sparkling at the sight. Finally, the time had come.

As its gargantuan body plummeted devastatingly into the ground, the earth shook with a mighty rumble. Scalding, powerful winds shot out around the crash site. Trees quaking, ground shaking, even the 50 meter stone wall had shown signs of a tremble.

Everything was sent scattering backwards, soldiers being flung from their ODM gear. Their heads coming into hard impact with the wall or the ground, knocking them unconscious instantly.

Even Kain, who had braced himself for the full scale collision, found his balance disrupted and his body being forced backwards by the powerful wind.

Mikasa too had been hurled through the air at a much more deadly pace than Kain. The red eyed man watching in shocked worry as her whirling path was directing her straight to an oncoming tree. The impact alone, if it didn't kill her, would shatter every bone in her body.

With a reluctant grunt, he manged to grip onto a branch that almost smacked him in the face, finding enough balance to propell himself through the trees and towards the rag-dolled Mikasa. Moving against the current of the mighty winds, Kain had to use his demonic abilities to stabilise himself as he shot forward, black mist trailing behind his form as suddenly it was easier to move.

Crimson eyes narrowed as both hands reached out, grabbing and wrapping around Mikasa before using more strength to lunge away. Both narrowly missing the oncoming tree and avoiding being swatted against it.

Their bodies crashing and skidding as they rolled across the ground before finally coming to a stop. But not for long as the strong current began slowly pushing them backwards.

Hair whipping violently as bits of earth began flying in their direction. Mikasa grunted as a stone had collided with her shoulder before being sent off by the wind.

Again Kain found himself grunting in distaste, the situation being a real pain in the ass for him. Nevertheless, one hand dug deep into the ground, fingers gripping onto the dirt as if for dear life. The other hand coming up over the girls head, an attempt to shield her from the still coming chunks of ground and stone that threatened to cause damage to her.

Then, another single, piercing roar filled the smoky area. All heads still conscious snapped up to the sight. The Armoured Titan having Eren's Titan form pinned face first into the earth below. Humongous teeth sinking deeply into Eren's neck, chomping down until it had exactly what it wanted. And then, it yanked its head back, Eren's nape completely torn out and now sitting in the sinister mouth of the Armoured Titan. Reiner had him. Reiner had Eren.

As the smoke began to clear, Kain was able to catch the distant glimpse of Bertholdt emerging from the Collosal Titan; Ymir's unconscious and battered form lying limply in his arms.

With thundering steps, the Armoured Titan rose to its feet and began its sprinting escape. Bertholdt using the hook of his ODM gear to swing up onto his accomplices giant shoulder.

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