Court Verdict

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Arden and her squad stood watching from a balcony as Eren Jeager was pushed to the centre of the courthouse. He was forced into a kneeling position on a raised platform of marble steps. Ironclad hands were restrained behind his back by a large metal pole pushed into the ground, completely restricting his movement.

Getting a closer look at him, Arden could see that he was a just a young boy. He had messy brown hair and striking teal eyes. And she pitied the burden someone so young had to carry. She could sympathise with him, for she too possessed abilities that would land her in the same position as him, were they ever to be exposed. Frightened, alone and at the hands of irrational men.

As she scanned the soldiers down below, she could feel a sick feeling resonating within her. All these people. Clouded by fear and deciding the fate of a teenage boy who is just as scared as they are. These pathetic humans make me sick. She thought as her stomach churned at the idea of Eren being dissected and executed. She didnt know the boy, but she already had a deep sense of protectiveness over him.

That's when her eyes connected with a pair of steel grey ones. Levi Ackerman who had been watching her since she entered, sent Arden a small nod of his head. A nod that Arden returned.

It was a silent conversation between the two. But that simple gesture reassured her that Levi knew what he was doing. That soon enough, Eren Jeager would be in the custody of the Scout Regiment.

The sound of a door opening brought Arden's attention to an older man with slicked back white hair, white bushy beard and small glasses who sat in the judges seat.
Premier Dhalis Zachary.
Commander in chief of the three Regiments. And judge of Erens trial.

"Alright, shall we begin?" Zachary questioned whilst staring down at the young boy. He grabbed a sheet of paper and held his glasses whilst he inspected it. "Your name is Eren Jeager, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life when called too, for the good of the people. Is that correct?"

"Yes." Eren simply answered.

Zachary continued, "As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court martial. As Commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion... Thus I will decide whether you live or you die. Any objections?"

Eren gulped, "No sir."

Keep up your compliance kid and you'll do just fine. Arden thought as she watched the trial intensely.

"You astuteness is appreciated." Zachary informed. "Let us proceed."

Hange Zoe and Miche Zacharius had just joined Arden and her squad on the balcony. She sent them a glance before looking back down on the people below her.

Zachary carried on with the trial, "As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless. And unless we publicly disclose your existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made. And the Regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate. The Military Police... or the Scout Regiment? To begin, the Military Police will now present their case."

"Thankyou. My name is Nile Dawk. I am Commander of the Millitary Police." A man with short, unruly black hair and stubble spoke out. Stood on his sides, were crazed religionists or MP's holding loaded rifles. "Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately. We acknowledge that Jaeger's ability played a part in turning back the latest Titan incursion. However, as has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell
of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from him, we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity."

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