●Sorry Note●

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It's been a hot minute.

*cough cough* three months *cough cough* 😀

You guys I am so sorry. Christmas started way too early in my family, I bought all the presents and had them wrapped by the end of November. Was broke for a little while there.

But if you dismiss the hectic Christmas with my very large family, there has just been so much constantly happening that I haven't stopped going for the last three months.

I won't get into the details because quite honestly I don't want to burden you wonderful people with my less than wonderful life. In short: I lost another of my family members before Christmas, there have been arguments and fights between people I'm close with. Just a lot of bad that outweighs the good.

I got bullied in work by one of my co-workers, so I left that job and just last week found a new job. This one is full time compared to my previous one which was part time, so I'm even more busy now.

And me being the obnoxiously stubborn person I am, have been suffering with dermatitis (which is basically an allergic reaction) for two months without getting treatment until yesterday morning....

It left my face, neck, ears, hands very red (sometimes purple) and painfully itchy. I thought it was just bad seasonal eczema but it wasn't. I've been using a cream prescribed to me by the doctor and after only a few uses it has had the most amazing effect. The redness and swelling has gone down and its not painful or itchy.

But even with all of that, I can't apologise enough for essentially abandoning my wattpad for three months.

You guys have been so supportive and so patient with me whenever I put this book and others on hold. I honestly don't deserve you guys. You are all incredible and amazing I feel like I just keep letting you down.

But let's keep things positive! Tasteful will be resuming!

Not a chance in hell will I ever discontinue this book. It just may take me a while to finish it. You guys honestly mean so much to me so it makes me feel like a dick when I don't update.

I will be trying my absolute hardest to get the next chapter out tomorrow, but if not there will definitely be one before the week ends.

Like I said, things are just hectic at the moment, I'm trying to adjust to this new full time job and sort out things with my family. And finally get rid of this dermatitis! 🔪

But I wholeheartedly promise you guys that this book will not be abandoned. THE STORY MUST GO ON!

Again, your patience with me is incredible, I admire and respect you guys so much.

Thankyou for everything! 🤍

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now