The Reunion

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Jean and Armin were working together to lay the cloth-covered corpses of their fallen comrades onto the wagons. They would be taken back to the Wall where they could be properly buried and have a send off with their families.

Everyone was defeated. Their faith in the Survey Corps dwindling after almost half their forces had been wiped out in a matter of hours.

"This is the part of our job I'll never get used to." Jean mumbled, his eyes glossing over as they scanned the countless limp bodies.

Armin agreed, he too wearing a solemn expression, "You're not alone in that."

"Seems like death's just everywhere. All I can think about is how it'll end. Which one of us is next and whether it'll be me." Jean admitted.

But Armin wouldn't let him plague his mind with such terrifying thoughts, "Try not to obsess over it. Only thing that train of thought's good for is breaking your nerve. Belive me." He smiled gently, hoping to give the taller boy some comfort. "Push it out of your mind."

"I s'pose you're right." Jean responded before taking a moment to really think over Armin's words. With a sigh, Jean agreed, "Nah, I know you're right."

Armin's smile softened as he walked over to the end of the wagon to help Jean lift the body. But as he bent down, something in the close distance caught his eye and he halted his movements.

"Armin? Hey, help me lift this." Jean furrowed his eyebrows, noticing the concentrated, distant expression on the blondes face.

Armin squinted his eyes, trying harder to focus on the figure walking towards them. But that's when he noticed it was less of a walk and more of a stagger. Their legs tiredly dragging underneath them as they almost limped closer. That's when the unmistakable green of the Scouts cloak came into view along with a head of long, messy raven hair. "Oh, god..." Armin gasped, the words spilling breathlessly from his lips as his eyes widened in shock.

"Armin?" Jean questioned more sternly, "What the hell's gotten in to--" but Jean too froze, his eyes widening even more than he thought possible as he turned to the direction Armin was staring in.

"Is-- is that?" Jean asked incredulously, tilting his head as he squinted his eyes to see better under the blazing sun.

"Get the Captain and the Commander." Armin orderd as he quickly jumped down from the wagon and already started making his way over to the figure.

Jean slowly nodded his head, still not believing what his eyes were showing him. "Uh-huh. Yep." Before quickly jumping down and sprinting off to find Levi and Erwin.

Armin jogged closer, the unmistakable blood red eyes coming into view as he neared her. "Team leader?" He called worriedly, noticing the way she swayed slightly.

Arden looked up, her chest rising and falling quicker than it should've as she parted her dry lips, "Armin?" She managed to croak out, blood red orbs landing on the blurry outline of a bandaged blonde head. She was happy to see he was alright, despite being injured.

Waisting no time Armin raced up to her, carefully grabbing her arm and wrapping it around his shoulder as he supported her to the camp. Eyes widened like saucers as he took in her blood soaked appearance, her once glossy raven hair was now painted in streaks of marroon. Splatters and smears were etched onto her face and her uniform was now red, not green. "Team leader, are you okay? What happened? Everyone said you disappeared and we couldn't find you?" The questions worriedly poured from his mouth as he tightened his grip to support her.

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