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It was a mass of black, atleast 8 feet tall and had a humanoid figure. But this thing was no human. Its limbs were contorted, twisting unnaturally in every way possible. It's arms, legs, torso, head completely disproportionate and grotesque. It hardly had a face. Just a veil of black where its nose and eyes should've been and a great big, gaping hole for its mouth. The only reason why you could tell it had a mouth was because of its cracked, dry, black lips, and rows upon rows of jagged razor sharp teeth. Each one coated in a thick layer of oozing charcoal liquid that spilled from its hideous mouth.

It's hands were abnormally large, atleast twice the size of its head. Fingers long, thin and boney, accompanied by a set of sharpened dagger-like nails that came to a deathly point. It's hind legs extending backwards before jolting in at odd angles. It was symbolic of a beast.

And Arden moved faster, her blood red orbs narrowing as she quickly approached the lesser demon. It was fast, but she was faster. Now she was right behind it and the soldiers horrified eyes bore into hers, pleading that she could save him. Sheathing her blades, she propelled herself forwards with a mighty spin, twisting gracefully through the air. Long, terrifying, black talons had grew from her fingernails as she charged at the demon, ready to slice it to pieces.

But the demon materialised into a cloud of smoke, leaving her to rip through the inky steam. But it wasn't steam at all. It was something fleshy, something hard coated in multiple layers of something soft. Warm liquid spewing out and raining down to the grassy forest floor below. And it was a feeling all too familiar.

Her eyes widened in horror. Slowly glancing infront of her at the blood soaked torso, her hand plunged deep within the chest. White shirt now stained red. Brown leather straps tied around the torso. Green cloak draped over their shoulders. And a beautifully crafted cravat splattered with droplets of blood.

There was only one person who wore a cravat like that...

In fear, her head snapped upwards, an expression full of fear, pain and disgust filling her vision. Steel grey eyes boring into hers, the colour quickly fading as the light left them.

"Levi?..." her lip quivered as she stared wide eyed in horror.

Levi coughed, blood sputtering out of his mouth as more of the crimson liquid seeped onto his lips.

"Y-you... you did t-this..." He whispered, voice strained and croaked.

Profusely, Arden shook her head, whole body trembling. Blood red eyes turning glossy as tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, lips quivering vigorously, "N-No-- no... no no no no no-- please-Please..."

"This--" He began again, groaning as his body twisted, her hand still plunged deeply into his chest, "This is y-your fault."


"You did-- this."

"I didn't-- I didn't mean to..." tears spilling uncontrollably as her whole body shook. "I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to..." the words spilling from her lips. Vision clouded by the onslaught of tears but yet she could still see him. What she did to him.

"You did it... I h-hate you... you disgust me..." more blood sputtering from his lips as his skin turned paler by the second, the light leaving his eyes.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora