The Need to Feed

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"Y-You... You think its Annie? Where's-- Where's your evidence? Tell me!" The poor Jeager boys voice quivered. It was truly a foreign thought that someone he trusted could be a raging murderer.

But Armin stayed stoic, not reacting to his friends astonishment and remaining brave whilst selling out someone he cared about, "Obviously the Female Titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus, she reacted to my use of your 'Suicidal Maniac' nickname, something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one who killed Sawney and Beane."

As Arden listened, the blonde boys explanation made more sense. She trusted that Armin would uphold his a duty as a soldier, even if he was exposing someone that he knew. But most importantly, Erwin seemed invested in Armin's story, so that made her trust its authenticity even more.

But, still unable to accept the information, Eren smiled crookedly, "You're kinda goin' out on a limb there." Chuckling nervously as though his best friend was being ridiculous.

"Killing two Titans at once required a precision ODM strike. It only makes sense that the killer would've used the gear they were most familiar with." Armin paused for a second, his brows furrowing as he thought.

And denying still, Eren added, "But, there was that whole equipment inspection. Annie's totally checked out."

"Except, the gear she presented. Well, it-- It wasn't hers. It was Marco's." Armin's words staying strong, yet Arden could hear the edge of sadness in his voice. The way it was strained as if he too couldn't belive it despite knowing it was true. It was then that Arden realised just how much the blonde boy cared for this Annie Leonhart. It hurt him to expose her. He didn't want to sell out his friend whilst not knowing what the Scouts would do when they found her: would they capture her? Kill her? He didn't know. And yet he was still able to inform his comrades, for the hope of humanity. In many ways, it made Armin stronger than anyone else. The other just had yet to see it.

Eren's eyes widened like saucers as he turned to his friend, small beads of sweat trickling down his temples, "I don't understand. What's Marco got to do with all this?"

"It's unclear." Mumbled Armin.

"Maybe you need to get your eyes checked--"

"Eren." Arden's stern voice cutting through the room, the silence becoming more deafening as she slowly turned her head to face him, blood red eyes staring at him blankly. "If you havent accepted what he's telling you by now, then you're dumber than i thought. Annie used your dead friends ODM gear to pass the inspection. She killed the test subjects. And she killed all those soldiers on the expedition yesterday. All of them. The truth is right infront of you and yet, you won't see it? Do you doubt Armin?" Although she defended Armin, there was still a large part of her that thought although this information was good, it wasn't enough to prove Annie was the Female Titan.

"W-What? You don't even know her. How can you say all of that?" Eren questioned harshly, his voice rising.

Sighing, Arden turned away from him, her elbows resting on the table as she brought her fingers up to massage her temples. The headache she'd been trying to ignore was only growing worse with Eren's ignorance and stupidity.

Yet, the Jeager boy continued to protest, "Armin, you must have got it wrong. There's no way--"

"Eren. I know what I saw, and the fact is--" Armin began.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now