Hell's Influence

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In the early hours of the morning, about 3 hours after the Nightshade incident, Arden was standing guard in pastor Nicks room for the night. Tobias had taken the purple plant to inspect it further whilst also investigating the warehouse it had grown in. Hoping that the deadly to demon plant had grown by pure coincidence. Though everyone was on edge, prepared for the worst, but praying for the best.

Arden was stood leant against the stoney wall, arms folded nonchalantly over her chest as blank, blood red eyes focused on nothing in particular.

Pastor Nick was sat on the edge of his bed, sweaty fingers clasped nervously in his lap and aged eyes constantly sending the woman wary glances.

She couldnt bring herself to look at the pastor, mostly out of guilt for threatening him how she did. It felt horrible. It made her feel like the true monster she was working so hard on suppressing. But when her eyes had unwillingly dragged over to the pastor, they would narrow in sympathy, brows furrowing upwards as an unconscious frown etched onto her face. Then she'd look away, take a silent deep breath, and pretend to act like it didn't faze her.

Their encounter stayed like this for several more minutes until the raven head sighed. The tray of food she had brought for the pastor remained completely untouched. The bowl of porridge now letting out light steam as it began to cool. The shiny, juicy fruits such as grapes, orange and apple slices left abandoned. Even with rationing, Arden had been able to bribe her way into something a little more appetising than bread for Nick, hoping he'd see it as a gesture of good faith. But of course he was suspicious. Perhaps thinking she'd poisoned it. Afterall, it had been given to him by a demon, there's no chance he could trust it.

"At least eat something. There are plenty of refugees who would much rather eat that than stale rations." She attempted to talk to him, staring expectantly at him for a few seconds. But the man made no movements. Just blinked whilst still staring idly at the stone wall infront of him.

Sighing, she turned her head from him, it sinking low until her face was sheltered by her glossy, raven locks.

"Would you accept something from a demon as a man of God?" His quiet question catching her off guard.

Slowly, she lifted her head to find the pastor still eyeing her warily, but at least he was holding eye contact. Gulping softly, she gently shook her head. "If I had the choice, I wouldn't accept anything from a demon..." voice trailing off as a distant look crossed her otherwise emotionless features.

Still watching her, pastor Nick felt a tug on his heart. His head tilting as his body had subconsciously turned to face her on the bed. Mouth opening to speak before promptly closing. His eyes narrowing in curious skepticism at the red eyed demon. "You..." He started, catching her attention as she brought her gaze back to him, "There is something strange about you, demon. What is it?" He asked, cautiously.

"I'm guessing you mean the fact that I'm not a full demon. Half my blood is demonic, the rest is human." She answered monotonous, tilting her head at him. A small swell of relief as the pastor had found the courage to actually attempt a conversation with her. Sure, it wasn't a typical polite and happy conversation, but it wasn't as hostile as insulting her, so it was a start.

Nicks eyes widened, "Halfbreed?" He asked as though it were an unfathomable concept.

"You're correct." She drawled out lazily.

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