Stifling Temptation

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For the next few hours, Drystan continued the process of mana healing on Arden Croix's still unconscious body. His royal purple demonic energy entering her body and healing the potent poison as quickly as it could.

At one point, Drystan was able to stop long enough to allow Lydia to bathe and clean Arden. She was still covered head to toe in blood from the expedition. Lydia just had to be sure to not let any water directly enter the wounds, having to use a wet cloth to clean around her injuries on both Arden's stomach and back. She was thankfully able to wash all the blood from her hair and body then dress her in a simple off white tank top and dark grey, cotton shorts.

The boys all stayed in Arden's room whilst Lydia cleaned her in the ensuite bathroom. Tobias had tried to comfort Kain but the raven head gently pushed him away. He was still in shock from everything, believing that Arden's improving condition was a mental trick and that she'd be dead again soon. Punishment for not helping her when she needed him to.

And whilst Drystan was confident that the 20 minute clean up session wouldn't disturb the mana healing process, he was still itching impatiently to continue the treatment. Pristine leather shoe tapping consistently on the wooden floor and arms folded over his chest.

When Lydia finally opened the bathroom door, Kain shot up from his chair and rushed into the room. His frown deepening as he saw Arden sat on the floor, propped against the bathtub. Her eyes half open and out of focus as her head hung low.

Carefully, he crouched down infront of her, reaching out to tuck the wet raven strands behind her ears. "Arden?" He called to her softly.

But the woman didn't move. Didn't speak back. There was no indication that she heard or even saw him.

Everything was just a blur of colour for her, no identifiable shapes. Ears still ringing loudly, drowning out the sound of anything else.

Kain's bottom lip quivered as he looked up to the bathroom door, a glimmer of hope on his face. Lydia was stood there with a sympathetic frown, brows furrowed upwards. Right hand rubbing comfortingly up and down her left arm.

"Has she said anything? ...Moved?" Kain asked hopefully. But the honey blonde shook her head, looking down to the floor before leaving the doorway.

And Kain knew it was too much to ask for. It was only 3 hours ago that Arden was laying limp in her bed, dead. They couldn't expect her to be in perfect health now.

Sadly, he gazed over her, glossy eyes shining under the candlelight. Arden was completely unresponsive. She was awake but dazed. Eyes open but not seeing. Distant. Unmoving.

With careful movements, he scooped her into his arms. Her limbs limply falling and resting against him. She was so fragile in this condition and they all feared that any movement too rough could break her.

She was just numb. Not feeling anything. Not thinking anything. Alive but lifeless.

Carrying her over to the bed, Lydia grabbed a towel and placed it over her pillow. Kain laying her down on the bed.

Picking up the towel, Lydia began drying her wet hair. She was still far too cold for a a demon, halfbreed or not. They didn't need her wet hair making things worse for Arden.

As Kain stared down at his sister, his eyes stung from the unshed tears. And despite how strong he tried to be, despite how much he tried to hold his tears back, he couldn't.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu